you dont need alot of nitrogen during that phase you need phosphorus and black strap molasses to obtain big, juice, smelly, sticky buds. but for the last two weeks befor harvest you need to stop using phosphorus so it can flush it out of its system, and the reason for that is so your bud taste...
you should try some blue dream. the high last long and is pretty strong, but it wont put you to sleep, its a very social high that will lighten up your mood.
were can we get it and i heard you can spray your plants and it will give you alot more buds and plant growth. its natural they get it from prossesed suger cane or beets. but i cant get ahold of of any and dont know were to find any. respond if you have more info.
i think she looks very good, the leafs look more full than the other ones. but it think their in veg stage but on the brink of going into flowering stage.
i would stop with grow nutes and start with flowering nutes(earth juice bud/flower). august is when the buds really start showing so you want to start getting them ready about now. also you can look up organicide online and find out, but its real simple you mix i think either 2 or 4 oz of...
ok stop with miracle grow(i can tell now. it makes small buds, small leafs, and lanky not bushy plants) use fox farm or earth juice. cut the small short branches that wont produce alot their mostly around the bottom of the plant. its a must to get bug spray, it will be your best investment...
they look great, i would start triming all the small branches so it will give your big branches more energy, creat air flow, and prevent mold. but other than that they look great. keep me updated.
well i bent(not real bend but kinda trained to grow side ways) the plants over so they would grow side ways and grow bushy now im useing my net i made out of fish string to hold down my plants to make them more bushy, im kinda just training my plants to grow sideways. its working pretty good. so...