FYI, if prop 19 passed hemp would still be ultra illegal. Although some think it would be started in Norcal it would most likley start in Illinoise on a corn farm. I have some hemp clothing (From china) that have lasted for over 20 years.
There you all have your real voting battle because...
Im in a small growing town and the word on the street from the non grower folks like restaurant owners are fear of a large scale Mexican grow oops moving in.
Our city counsel cant even understand the prop 19 as its so confusing with holes large enough to drive a Cadillac into.
Ok money...
I'm told the dispensary's in Arcata are dreadful, rude angry staffers and mite infested buds, mold and or other horrors.
Can any one confirm this or do you live and shop there?
Is their a need for a high end Cannabis club in Arcata that provides grade A++ medicine?
What are the city...
dirtsurfr and justjr27 is correct. Pot is free at every clinic now and every club is pretty much closed or closing down and have started using the pretty women workers as porno actors.
In Shasta weed is $10 per boutique oz of dank Blue dream and every other day you can get free money and...
I guess you know that with friends like fox and Santos who needs enemies yes on the yes prop 19?
Big scary stuff around my town, every one is talking about their comments and the possibility of even more Mexican cartels moving into our wonderful tiny county or Santos many threats (Over the...
former Mexican president fox supports prop 19 so "Mexican peasants can export marijuana into the USA"
Most amazing and horrible aspect of the badly written law is that it takes a billion dollar market and shifts into complete chaos and possibly hands it over to just about any one. We already...
I know 70% is high.
This is my deal.
I wet trimmed using the trim reaper
Next I got the quick cure racks
The humidity is naturally coming down as they dry but should I run out and spend the $500 on two dehumidifiers? (Two because I have two rooms)
Each room has a window open and a...
The law looks like it was written by pot heads. under prop 19 what if a Mexican drug lord paid for a county permit to grow 10,000 plants would you still like prop 19 because it opens Pandoras box for corruption and confusion.
I have a trim machine and crew...
I got about 2 inches of rain and we all cut and hung my plants.
I have 4 large fans circulating the air.
Its cool if not pretty cold with no sun.
It will take me 3 days to de node and process in my auto trimmers.
Im mold save yes?
All the water dripped...
I got my third trim reaper machine today. I hired one single trimmer and his assistant and he can do a ~TREMENDOUS~ amount a day.
It all looks near grade A+++++ and no strangers. I got rain and we also had to harvest ASAP.
I had one stranger and we caught him "Ferreting" the community smoke...
The tag said white widow but it might be wrong.
Its smell is berry bubble gummy and VERY strong.
It finished very fast.
Who is she?
"Humboldt Hydro" have been known to document your license plate numbers. They have a great big sign written in what appears angry crayons about prop 215. Id never use a credit card there, Those people are fucking crazy.
LSD is totally fun. You wont go mad. If you have a bad mental illness and take all kinds of medications then dont try it.
A friend that was on meds took LSD, I told him not to. He was taken to the bottom of the ocean and given an anal probe.
For me? I started taking LSD before pot or beer.
Tweakers! They cut my fence and I ran them down with 7 dogs. Tweakers do not know common sence, they WILL come into a fence with english mastiffs and hound dogs. They got nothing and left a little blood. Tweakers are NOT afraid of anything, they are thugs with "SS" tattoos and camaros with...