nope they just started to shoot more hairs and there is more stuff growing on the buds but its not pollen sacks just think its smoking matter lol can u please help me out what do u think will happen if i leave my plants in the dark for two days hope to get some help soon anny advice would be...
whell icant say what it is but it looks like a strain u get here in outh africa tari and that stuff is the worst wead i have smoked in my life just grow some nice white rhino indoors and then u will never smoke that stuff again hope u get another dealer soon man and sorry for the bad reply
supperskunk is the way to go mine is kwite stinkey and stickey loving the nugs starting to get bigger now plant stopd growing upwards the buds getting bigger now just hope the buds get done fast but i dont think so giving it 5 more weeks your grow looking grate tho keep it up
thank u verry much ill c what i can do wih the desk light and witch molases can u use to mak them more dense and compact and i dont want them to get killd by the dark coz this is my first grow and i have been loking fter these babys likemy kids the past 4 moanths thank u for the reply's to all...
supperskunk growing strong but they have been growing for four moanths this is the real sativa strain takes ten weeks for the buds to get done i got 6 more weeks to go and i hope they grow huge in bud size thank u for the complemint
whell ill go hide them at my office next door is my company so no worrys boat my boss finding it its just the only place i knwf where i can hide it live in city and my flat is on the second floor so dont have place to put it outdoors so ja i think the best place would be in the dark
Hi i would like to know my parents is comming to town for the weekend and they are staying over at y place for two day's what woul appen if i put my plants ia dark room for aboat 48 hours will it afect my buds in anny way the plant is four weeks into budding and i just want to know if it is safe...
well its approx 4 weeks into budding and the buds not that big well if the flowers going to start growwing now im happy they are looking kwite good have one outdor to witch is fatening up atm thank u for reply making me relax a bit now toughed they wee going to wilt or something bad here is some...
thats what i am doing and my plants is loving it water water water thats all i give them the nutesgo into the groand thank u verry much dont want to burn my babys i love them to much
i would say that is pirfect to chop mate but its all up to u
and to anser your q just use the supper macro setting on your camera or justgo buy a small microscope its like 20$ for a 45x one
i would like to know i have 2 indoor supperskunk plants they stopd growing length wise the one is 72cm=2.4feet and the other one is 65cm=2.1feet i would like to know if it is normal for a plant to stop growing witch is budding i havent noticed the buds growwing bigger but i think maybe growth...
Here is some pics after the weekend i think the one on the left in my grow room is a hermie not sure yet but i hope not:cry: hope to get some replys soon thank you
whell its my real name witch i just changed a bit so i can use it online i never get anny problems with it alreaddy in use thats whi im using it here s some more pics of my babys and hope i can once and for all clarify if i have annyhermies witch i hopei dont have all info will be much...
Posting more pics later today just waiting for them ro wake up and i will get some new pics they are looking bigger now having a little sine of a hermie but i just think im starting to get halusinations of sitting and watching my babys grow day by day thanks for replys and this is my first grow...