uh use. blackstrap mollasess. it will tell u the nutes on the side. and mollasses naturall sugars cause the dirt to release nutes that are locked in it. and also makes your buds smoke smooth and are sweett. but was that what you needed to know? if not hit me back up.
ok sweet. your plants look great man. and i've been trying so judge mine off of someone elses outdoor plants to see how mine look compared in flowering. and my buds look as far along as yours. so i'm happy thanks man.
blackstrap is a mollasess. that you can get at wal mart. and you use it as plant food. use 1tbs per gallon or water, stir in good. then water your plant with it. and your buds will end up fat and sweet. the natural sugars breaks down enzymes in the dirt that will release natural nutes for your...
i think it's a nitrogen problem. is when your plant has yellow spots on it. use rain water or nutes with high nitro in them. check that out them PM me on how it goes.... Good Luck and hope your plants get healed.
you know what i'm am to... but you should have thrown a vaporizer up their. because come on man... thats the best way to smoke home grown... and my plant i just went and took a look at them today. the buds are like 1/11 the size of yours. i feels likes crysings... :cry:
hell yeah it did. i smoked a zip to myself and a zip with friends. and as for you bug problem. go buy ladybugs. or preying manticess. or use soapy water. and get sticky traps and put them on the soil. but preying mantices are the best thing to use. they are great for bugs. that is what i used...
yeah no problem thats what i used to tell what kind of plant mine was and to see how long it will take to flower her... but i really wanted an idica plant but all i got were sativa. and the one indica i had. i had to find out it was a male on my d bay and killed it. (i mean what a great way to...
you can tell by the leaves and the way the plant is growing. for example indica grow like christmas trees. and sativa gets bushy. and sense your plant is all on the main stem means it's indica dominate. and as for thea leaves with they are thick and wide means it's indica. with they and skinny...
yeah thats another way but i just smoke a blunt seperate. cuz when you get straight accsess to the tulip itself.WAY BETTER!. try it sometime.... and then smoke the joint or blunt.
when you put it togather with the 4 J papers then you need to use a metal tube roughly 6 inches long. i got one at hardware store for like 75 cents. and i use it strictly for rolling tulip joints. then you tie the tulip to the top of it with a string that way the air flow is sealed. then light...