ok here is a better way of getting stuff where you need it to go and not putting it up your ass or in a shampoo bottle or a cig case.
vacuum seal you shit as much weed as you need. then vacume seal it again (but wash your hands befor you put your first bag in the second so you don't get...
ok so if you guys are close. then sort of mention you have been thinking about growing. and see if he brings anything up on it or pushes you away from the subject. from their you can figure out your into being his aprentice.
all the time jerry all the time to that plant. but i harvested last night and or 2 days ago.... i don't remember anymore. looks and smells great. oh yeah and i actually went and played disc today. except i just broke even. i wasnt' doing so good. i over threw a lot of holes. damn my strength.
ok so i have like a week till harvest. and a bad storm showed up so i braught my plant inside and had turned on the light to go in my room and completely forgot. do you think this little problem will mess up my plant in that weak span. or do you think i should just harvest now. it's almost...
hell that would be my out their playing in short's in the snow. thats what i do here. and i know about the putters and approach disc's hell i have 40 different disc's. and the funny thing is i only baught 1. :mrgreen: the rest i found.
you lucky bastard. i've been wanting to go play but it's been raining for the past weak on and off. so never dry enough to play. hell i'm surprised my plants didn't get mold. thank god.) but harvested one today cuz weather was way to bad, but my plant was way to big to cover. it only had 3 days...
preying mantices. you can get them at your local garden store for like 6 bucks and it's like 3 cacoon's filled with hundred they hatch like the next day and just put them on your plant and they will kill every bug that tries to land on your plants. and they don't harm your plant's even in...
i hope you know when i said "roll it up, light it up, smoke it up, inhale, exhale... just got an Oz in the mail. " that is from a cypress hill song. and yes i do have some balls on me. thank you :smile: