thanks man for all the info again. i dont have any hydro stores around me the one in my area just closed a month or two ago. so ima have to order some of the great white off ebay. when i finally get it when its time to mix would i be able to add my fox farm nutes to the great white and water...
nah i havent added coffee grinds or anything to it. i just give it water on wed and sunday thats bout it. u think my ph is to high or to low?? i gotta wait til the middle of this week to get my ph tester though i hope it work this time if not i have pics of my problem in my 3rd journal entry. once again thanks for all the help some people on here are assholes we all start out as rookies at one point or another
lol thanks man i just wasnt sure i see everyone else plants and they look just as healthy as can be and then i saw the spots on mine and got concern also i think the orange juice and vodka got to me.
damn. I thought ocean forest was the best kind of soil to use to prevent nute burn. where would i find vermiculite at? and im a newby so could u explained this 1:1 ratio?
Can some one please give me help im gracious for all the help ive received up to this point but noone really answering my question. whats going on with this plant I have no clue.
Heres all i know
Fox Farm...
Im using fox farm ocean forest i havent added any nutes yet just worried/ curious why some leaves have yellow and brown spots on it?? help plz i dont want my baby to die
lol man i keep coming to you for all the answers. i got one more ? for you. today i check out my plant and saw these spots on it? could u tell me whats its from.?
just check my closet no to long ago and started to notice these yellow brownish spot on my plant. . could someone anyone please tell me whats going on and what i can do to fix the problem. im a rookie with no clue what to do. help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p.s. does this mean its...
i just happen to check up on my plant and when i looked at it this is what i saw.....??????
Its a autoflower on its 16th day this isnt a sign to start adding nutes is it??? thanks for the help:joint: