im guessing by my pics my baby is far enough along to add molasses. would this kind of molasses work out just fine oh yeah right now my ph is about 6.9 7 ish what can i do to lower...
It Could Def be from the ocean forest soil my girl did the same thing in the beginning. if you put it straight into ur pot as a seedling that would be my guess but not 1000 % percent
never heard and i cant find nething called bootstrap i found this stuff though Molasses Blackstrap Cane Molasses Feed Grade Fertilizer could i use this instead?
brown sugar ?? just ur basic household brown sugar or does it have to be a certain type? and what would be the ration like 1/4 tsp brownsugar per gallon?
Lets say hypothetically speaking i have a plant right? its in its 2nd week of flowering going on the third wk in a two days. im just wondering when will i see the buds form? and how much longer do u think i have before harvest. its a autoflowering strain not sure if that makes a diff or not...
so the $100,000,000 question is.......... My plant in flowering and starting to lean towards the one side . what shall i do to fix this. this was what i was going to do. take a stake tie to it the top of the plant and anker it down with a rock or somethin in the smart pot... Yay Or Nay...
waddup KB! lol its seems like once a week im having some type of problem with my plant. this is the newest problem its starting to lean to the one side pretty noticeable. how shall i go about fixin it. i know i need a plant stake or something but shes shown some significant growth and i wanted...
ok thanks for all the good advice. i know this prolly has to be the dumbest newbie question of all time but can i just use regular scissors to cut some of them?
Yeah im still using the distilled water. could i use this as my humbolt? do u think i should cut off some of the brown...
this is my 1st attempt ever at growing so hang in there with me sir ganga . i have a ph meter its reading 6.9. im not real sure what ppm means? how to u test a runoff. someone before said let 20% runoff?
Can Anybody Tell Me whats going on with my plant now? I Heard it might be cal mag def but im looking for a def answer or atleast 95% sure answer. and how can i go about fixing it. all help greatly appreciated.
soil- fox farm ocean forest
nutes- added 1st time last wed. 1/8 dose
water- distilled...
Hey Kb wats goin on? Sad to say dealing with more plant problems this is the latest update on how my baby looks. now wats going on with it? its my 28th day of growing. but i havent had to add any nutes to it yet but todays watering will be the first time. my question is do i go by week 1 or would i be considered week 4? someone helppppppppppppppppppppppppppp thanks for all the good info one more crucial question going by the soil feed schedule what week should i use?