this will happen alot. it'll keep making white hairs for a while... and theyll turn brown . than more white...and theyll turn brown. than some more white and so on, until its done
damn!, no i dont think ill mistake that for a ladybug.
i just thought that the real red ones wernt ladybugs for some reason.
no i dont have ALOT of mites just a few, so im hoping these 5-6 will do alrite
so ive spotted some spider mites and have been checking/ spraying/killing them a couple times a day. and im wondering if i use these damn ladybugs that are somehow in my house on the spider mites if that'll work?
so should i put a couple ladybugs in my g. box?
i just bought a 42 watt "fluorescent replacement bulb" and when i go to plug it in it does nothing. is it because this light isnt a compact fluorescent? and i need a ballast?
yea its OK .just probably will take a while for the ones to start growing out of the side again. but yea you can fim any fimmed part/ top any topped part
idk if there exactly half the period, but yea white dots under the leaves.
and when i spar them can i just use water? i heard neem oil but thats out of the q.
yea i looked closer and they wher moving, i cut all the fan leaves off that had white dots (eggs) under them and the ones with bugs on them.
if i keep killing all the ones i see, and checking it daily should they stop/ or will they come back?
all i got is a cell phone for pics... but yea leaves have white dots on them and they still look good.(not dying)
i did see white things under the leaf on the vein but still no bugs< and ive looked everywhere.
and yes i am in flowering
hey, i get these webs about every 2 days. i see no damge to the plant and no bugs? just webs. also there only o where the fan leaves branch out and on the leaf itself.
anybody seen this before?
i want to say there dust mites but every other day or so ill see webs only on leaves, and no damage to the leaves.(dont look like spider webs either, there very small and just on the stem part of the leaves and the leaves themselves)
its an inside grow can i still get mites?
any suggestions of...
today is starts the 3rds week of flowering in my first grow, the buds are just now getting resin and smelling dank!
here's some shitty cellphone pics!
top of plant
some buds,
how they lookin?
im almost in week 3 of flowering and rite after i topped one of my plants i put it into flowering.
i have 5 colas with fat bunchesof hairs, will my cola only be like 3 in.? or when they start to swell do the get bigger in height too?