i took pics before and after... the leaf blower didn't knock off trichs....i got sick of shaking plants and getting rained every morning...getting my hoodie soaked...but yeah i have more than one plant...
easy novice way to think about npk is "up, down, all around" n=leaves(at the cost of buds) p=roots k= over all plant health...
i use a 12-12-12 nute in veg...if you have lots of nitrogen in bloom you will have leafy dark green herb... the fall HH is 13-14-16 that's too much n imo....
lol best thing i can tell OP is to go find uncle ben's nute info thred...
i have used lots of nutes...started with AN then tried fox farms...then jack's classic ..then dyna-gro (hydro) ...now im using leftover maxsea...
that thread could of saved me over a g
yeah i have never had any problems with dhn clones...they are like pencil thick...
im running their sour d,chem 4,ken's gdp and jillybean this year...
oh also "queen bee" isn't bad...
two of my plants get shitty sun light...from trees blocking the sun till around 11am...but the yield was nearly the same as the others that get better light...so idk how much it really maters...also grow high yielding strains...like agent orange....