I'm 56 years old and She is the consistent supplier I have been looking for, for thirty years. I found her two years before the medical laws here and then started growing my own legally. Has worked out well for me. I retired and moved to my grandpas hometown. small coastal community very...
12 ounces a couple years ago but usually 5 or 6 with 2 plants I need to make a few bucks I think lol. so now I am going to try to keep 3 in Hydro and sell the excess back to my supplier.
It is 1:15 pm here
Yeah she has a nice outdoor grow 20-30 plants 12 feet tall every year. She had a bad winter and lost all her plants so she called friends and got clones. She says she wants a couple more next spring
doing very well thank you I have been getting serious about my rooms and am switchin to Hydro I have 2 Genera Hydroponics Waterfarms and three 5 gallom DWC buckets. I am just aamazed at the fantastic growth. check out my grow journal and tell me what you think OK?