OK I will give it one more shot I don't have any bud candy and I really want to stay away from the expensive additives. And thanks for the compliment. I know Sub says to stay with the formula as writen so I'm an instruction kind of guy. I always defer to the pros.
Fed some molasses this morning. Should I give it another shot in two weeks or will this be sufficient?? The trichome production is in full swing. Buds are getting big but airy. 5 weeks to fill up so should be huge and heavy.
I like Growing with seed too. But never let a great pheno die away if you can help it. I had a great WW pheno I grew for 5 or 6 grows. was going to keep it forever and then I moved and it got broke and died, so sad.
Thats a nice looking plant T. This whole grow is just a conglomeration of techniques I have learned here on Sucool's forum in the last year. Trying to dial in an easy way to grow. I have done some Hydro in the past but just too much work. I am looking to recapture that steady grow you get with...
Thats the reaction I expected to get. But I am prepared for criticism. I doubt that I pollinated completely. Just a couple small pods opened and I only left it in there for 3 minutes. It will be fun for me to bust open a bud and get a seed or 3. Somewhere in there will be a great pheno.
Ok the male is starting to bloom. Just a few pods opening, but enough to do the job. I know that some will think this is a sin but I see it as a progression in my growing experience. I am just going to put the plant between the girls and the fan and let nature take over.
The three JTR's have...
Bought a butane honey oil extractor on E-bay. There were 2 choices on there and I got the one with a tripod. that came in very handy when filling with butane. The whole unit freezes and it takes a few minutes. I wouldn't want to hold it for that long.
I used 30 grams of some Fine Red Dragon bud...