The concept oflegitimacy is a rather and vague and nebulous one, unlike legality itis not written in constitutions or other legal tomes, neither is itas easily measured as popularity or as obvious as power, using pollsor viewing government actions. Rather it is a widely held consensusby those...
ive tried a few of dinafems seeds but apart from the blue widow i cant remember the strains of the top of my head. essays are no real problem for me although im no fan of maths, i can do it but its not my favourite subject.
only really 2 ways of doing it; clean it or mask it. cleaning it requires a carbon filter and masking it needs air fresheners. masking it never works perfectly and as scroglodyte says ona-gel, its the best ive came across.
what kind of area and what kind of budget do you have? and have u any experience of growing at all? tell us that and you'll get suggestions as to approach.
will do mate cheers. i had a wee crap b n q tester when i first started growing, it was a double probe thingy that you stuck in the soil and it had a meter that told you, it didnt need callibrating but ive no idea if it was any use. i may need sum advice when it arrives.