sorry for not updating...been crazy busy at work.. (the oilfield is not slowing down)
well i think it might almost be that time....... its 7 weeks old now and she got fat and crunky..lowered her nutes to about 300ppm and will be topping up with ro water then add GH flora kleen 3 days before I...
It seems like it would be about on par with an hps of the same wattage. Maybe slightly more efficient simply due to how the light is scattered.
I got a unit built to my specs by Supraspl the light was 2 cxa 3070s running at 2.1 but I thinks 2.5 or that's what I get with my amp meter. Each so...
Maybe the Chinese reverse engineered a cree cob? I know the Chinese crap and the good crap will in time probably be on par. And no need to pay retarded prices for something that doesn't cost much to produce
np man..but being honest here.. i was more of a terrorist than anything done on American depends on who's shoes you're in..
i have looked into that strain. the nameste might be something green house seeds could have.. its a breed that local tribes in Napal bred from different regions...
Im a retired military vet who joined what most on here would consider bad..the makes lots of money and is pretty easy if your smart..besides oilfield assholes....well they never had to kill people dealing with them,aint much of a problem.
more detail.. I was what is...
pics soon.. there gonna be a my light though late came in. 420nm wave length. and a 10,000K...for experiment....maybe there's way more to the 420 meaning than one knows? ;)
its a t5 4 foot each bulb is 28 watts but it can handle 54 each. the suckers have grown so fat i needed...
Anyway I looked at my sweet berry and it does contain sulphur and magnesium.. Also hopefully my uvb light will be here before my plant is done. If not I have another little sucker going. I got a 54watt t5 at 420nm and a 10000k bulb to offset my 3000k cxa bulbs
The reason why I'd like the napal based landrace breeds is because they suit some of the climates I grow in.. And I'd like to do a guerilla grow this year
Id like to grow some of the first strong strains to be discovered.. Ive seen some landraces get just as fat and stinky as commercial brand stuff.. and im talking when I was way out in the middle of nowhere napal.. and the kush mountains..doing things i can not speak of... I would like to get my...
ive never had the chance to grow bag seed.. every time ive ever found one.. its been cracked or just a white little husk :( and since i live so far up north.. everything i do get is seedless.. this sucks.. going back remembering the bomb ass old school BC king bud strains i could get with seeds...
pineapple chunk.. but i think there might bee too much salt in the coco coir.. i might have to flush her out if i dont see an improvement next week.. doesnt seem to be growing much.. but i did just transplant it into the 10 gal.. so could be trying to root.. the soil was filled with bacteria and...
the pics dont lie. ive seen other grows on here, saying that there autos don't, or take forever, well this one started to flower at week 3 after seed.. though retardedly huge.. which is what i wanted.. it still is on par with an average auto strain..that being said.. i may try another strain or...
it seems to be what its advertised as being. a white widow x big bud.. and she smells very Brazilian, nice and spicy,a little fruity and just a hint earthy, Trichs growing on the fan leaves, big juicy buds, for an auto she seems pretty nice..
the PC is still alive not much growth but hopefully...
UPDATES.. I did some leaf removing not really any trimming.. shes getting chunky and stinky and sparkles.. i think its about week 5 into flower and week 8 from seed. going strong.. also moved the pc into its 10 gallon home.. not much growth so far but i bet its trying to grow roots.