Quick update (from Feb 23rd. Sorry cant post pics):
The girls were moved to their new home and the blumats were setup where each pot got one long blumat carrot with 2 additional drippers (3x total in each pot for better distribution)
Until next update, happy growing yall :-)
Day 7 of flowering (weekly) update (from Feb 18th. Sorry cant post photo):
Not much to report since last update. As we can see in the photo, the PE2 (front) is bushing out a little and picking up her stretching catching up to the back 2. The SC (back right) is still stretching and the TD needs...
Quick updste (from Feb 16th):
Last night when the lights turned on, i top dressed each pot with a little less than a tablespoon of ground up sprouted seeds/grains and watered it in then adjusted the LST. BTW I just love how small and bushy the PE2 is ... shes doing her own LST after the FIM...
Quick update:
I havent checked on the girls in a couple of days, and when I did today I saw how stretchy the SC is going to be. I started LST today and watered lightly. Waiting to finish building and painting my new groom before I moved the girls and also set up the blumats (self watering)...
Weekly update:
Today I flipped the lights (600w MH @100%+ 350w COBs LED 4000K color) to 12/12 with the lights being on 6pm to 6am to reduce electricity consumption and also to give me a wider time window to sneak in the groom and tend to the girls (very hard to tend to the groom if the lights...
Quick update (from yesterday but I didnt post it because I wanted to post the phitis too. Here it is without photos):
I know i should let the girls veg for 2 weeks to 3 best to allow the roots to reach out and fill the pots before flipping to 12/12. However, I have many reasons that push me to...
Weekly update:
Today the girls got upgraded to business class and were repotted to their final 35L pots and can now stretch their legs a little hah.
A teaspoon of neem powder was sprinkled around and some alfalfa straws and little dried up alfalfa leaves over it as mulch then watered.
Quick update:
Today i checked the underside of the pots and I can see fuzzy roots coming out if the bottom holes (this one sounds funny lol) and more so with the SC. I have a feeling she's going to takeovers the groom once the lights are flipped ... anyway I think I will attempt repotting them...
Thanks a vunch forbthe great info @Vnsmkr
Check out my new QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) :
Quick update:
Sprouted seeds (fenugreek, barley and 7 others) were ground up and 1 teaspoon was applied on top of each pot and watered in.
The girls were also FIMed today:
The TD above the 7th node (junc of 8/9), and the SC and PE2 got it above the 6th node (junc of 7/8).
The SC is catchin up...
So I topped the soil with some alfalfa as mulch ... the lower single blade leaves are rusting on the edges and that seems like Mag def to me. Not sure if the coco (in the CocoLoco) locks mg in organic too similar to how it does in soiless or if its due to other reasons. Nonetheless the girls...
And for the heck of trying to sprout something, I am sprouting a shot glass of fenugreek seeds before I grind them up :-) next will try to get some barley to sprout and top dress the ground ;-)
Check out my new QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my...
Hah i still keep my 600w MH/HPS and run the current OPTICS LIGHTS COBs LED along with it ... its just that with all the problems I had with moving from my old grow site to this current one, then ina m9nth to an even newer one, im obligated to make some changes :-) ... its all exciting though...
Weekly update (4 days after the repot) and the giros are looking good. I was able to raise the rH from not registering to 55% with a humidifier. Theres a breeze slightly moving the girls to help with the direct heat of the intense light....since the begining the SC (and PE2 a lil) looked a...
Thanks brother ... will defin5let ya know when they get .. lol i know what ya mean been doing the same and soon will be placing an order and getting some LED components for a DIY COB build lol
Check out my new QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my...
Just ordered two kits (6x longs and 12x regulars) plus some accessories :-) ... cant wait to get them in the mail .... thank you so much
Check out my new QuadStrain grow ;-) :
and my previous TriStrain grow ;-) ...
Thank you so very much for your quick reply brother ... i did already look into those and all that i read (and watched) is making me want to go ahead and putchase the kit NOW lol ... the only thing is that amazon doesnt ship the maxis internationally to where I am. Only the kit of 12 mediums...
Hi and thanks for this post that lead me to check out and blumats and now I want to get them for when i leave my girls for 3 weeks .... i checked them out on amazon but i saw a few different setups. For 35L (little less than 10 gall) should i get the talls or regulars or juniors? I also found on...
Thank you gentlemen for taking the time to help out a fellow grower ... i appreciate all your valuable advice. My axiety with trying to (or having to) send them into flowering by feb 15 is the time constraints I have. I have to go on 2 trips out of the country, once during and once after i...
Thanks brother again for your reply and the additional tips. Alright ill try to let them go for a couple weeks before I flip. But then that means ill have to transplant them into their final pot maybe in a week when i just transplantted them from their 3" germination pots to their i think 8" veg...