Quick updupdate they're going crazy like I can actually watch the thing grow haha. I check it when I get home from work then after dinner and I can see a difference. It's insane. Glad I went to hps for flower got over 100 flowers on 3 plants
Ok well I have an issue I'm worried because of all the smaller leafs and the bushyness of the plant on the left its jot going to get enough light so should I start trimming or wait for buds to form before trimming back to bush so I don't accidentally cut back buds. It's been in flower for a week...
I got it about 2 feet away things growing quick in flower I did a flush the other day with 2 l each plant maybe more let the water drain into pans underneath I then emptied and put back under pots. my eaves are currently drooping is it because they soaked up to much water and are a little...
ok I got a fan installed. well 3 they're in a tower. the center fan is sucking in a large amount of nice fresh cold air to cool the room then I got the top fan tilted and pointed up at the HPS and I noticed a huge a difference in how much heat comes down on the leafs.then the bottom one is...
Indoor veged with 400 w worth of cfl's te big 125s and some 26s flowering now with hps 400w got some small holes in one leaf on the front right of the plant on the left and leafs curling front right of the one on the right any ideas tips etc. I know heat oil be an issue
Right on thanks for the tips I don't have any fans yet but I got a tower fan that has three 12" fans on it ill remove each fan and wire them up two intakes one exhaust I guess
ahyeas I got a new tent as well 4x4x8 secret jardin tent with 6 intake or exhause holes 2 cable holes 2 small windows and 2 large windows and a huge door. insides 95 percent reflective so im gunna hang this mh for 2 weeks right down center witht he rest of lights then add the hps for the rest.
ok well I called around to day got hooked up pretty good with a digi electronic ballast 400w runs MH/HPS so I got two bulbs cables for 100 bucks brand new. going to put it all together tomorrow get her goin. just topped them they're round 4 ft each so give some pics once it's all installed. so...
ok started a new grow, 4 ft by 3 ft closet all white inside reflect light perfectly, I had them in the garage for a bit but they were growing to slow so I moved them up. I'm currently using one of those grow pro cfl's the huge 1 ft ones.125 watt pumps out 8700 lumens at 6400k plus 8 26w 6500k...