I just did the washing machine method.
two questions.
Mine was all black on every bag! (6 of them)
Question two:
We ran it twice on day two and thought, what the hell lets dump a shit load of ice and noticed day two ONE bag did more then all of day one!
What should I do with all the...
I'm a "90's" kid and used to smoke every day for Years and loved it.
For what ever reason I quit and after that when I smoke I get very nervous and need to take a shower or just cool out.
Any one have tips or strains?
I try small bits of Blue dream and its uplifting for the most part but...
I guess its the mountain man in me that would like to some day live off the grid.
Some neat-o places around Humboldt country, not in town but actually far off the grid for cheap because you have to develop it.
Azatrol is OMRI listed and poses no harm to the environment or us. It contains the main ingredient Azadirachtin A and B. It also contains over 300 different Liminoids which also have insecticidal properties. It all comes from the Neem kernel. They use a cold water extraction process to isolate...
I used azatrol with ~Stunning~ results.
Killed them like FUCK on the first try.
I will never use Neem again, the human labor element makes up for the massive price of Azo.
Why are you going to the city?
Do you require electricity?
If you go rural don't trust any Realtor on water issues they lie.
Always ask the neighbors about water and then come back 48 hours and ask again and again...
No in fact if you press it its "Dankie" resin coated and presses in like dank pot.. Iv just never looked inside a GDP and kind of weirded out.
No part falls apart.
What would I look for under a 100X microscope?
What is the brown colors near the stem?
Its very "Chewy" feeling like its resin coated.
The strain is GDP and its very dense.
Some of my nuggets I notices a brownish color, there is zero mold on the nuggets but the brown near the stem.
I voted no because they were going to grow 4 megga farms (The city, Lee and Wilcox) Perhaps not not together but politics has strange bedfellow.
The permit would have been $211,000 and they would have grown an estimated 200,000 pounds a year together..
Oakland city counsel person (Not sure...
Yes Lee was focused on helping small growers (25sf only)
The rest is paraphrased, because...Im an idiot. :-P
Oakland developer and business person Jeff Wilcox, who is new to the marijuana industry, has been aggressively...
We had a great "No" party. Were so glad to have the likes of Richard Lee not invading our community with lop sided laws for the corporate few and his oligarchy of pot.
Tell you what, You can have 25 cookies but Richard lee wanted 60,000 cookies and people would actually vote yes? Not in my State.
I pointed a camera connected to a TV and it spiraled and I found out we were actually going back in time!
Frames of seconds appears backwards!
Yes! 16 uear old boys stoned on LSD! We had discovered time travel!
I have a drip system, (Well its a pump and emitters) 12 gph 360 sprayers.
Any way the tank is on a hill and it drips when the system is off.
What basic concept did I omit from the design?
Its gravity feeding when the clocks turn off.
Did I need pressure regulated emitters?
Should the...