How will I know if it goes into the nuggets? I mean last year we had no PM at all.
obviously you know where im at, near you.
I might have had it last year and just ignored it but this year Im a bit smarter.
Do I just keep spraying it all year, along with the neem and AZO we use,
Ok, I am vegging my outside crop in my garage.
Only a few leafs had it and I cut them off.
If I treat this all year how will I know if the buds are free of this disease?
Last year we had no PM on our outside crop and if I did I paid no attention to it.
I don't think its a big issue in my...
So I got my personal 6 plants in my garage and growing them for a few weeks.
I visit my friends house and...
HOLEY SHIT he has trees in his garage!!
Suddenley im learning im months late for vegging in my garage.
Right now they are 2 feet tall and my friends are ~HUGE~
I really...
Ok, I know the EZ cloner, I messed up on 3 issues and want to break it down and start over.
Im back to cubes so I can clean my EZ cloner out and start new.
1. Can I put my EZ clones in cubes and put in a small ebb and flow system?
Should I use a "Dome" or dome with pots?
I have these...
I went to the hydro store and they said you can clone ~Anything~ thats not "Woody"
Example take a young supple green cutting of ~Anything~
Think im going to start cloning all the local pines and work my way up to apples and oranges.
T5 light, mother room (Tent) 80 deg temps.
Only 10 grew roots and the rest got black stems and started to wilt.
Can I just hack them off the stem and trim down more and clean out the rez and sanitize it and just start over? (Reusing the clones)
Can apple trees or fruit trees be cloned?
My goal is to fill my property this year with about 500 plants for eating,
I know nothing about this stuff, will fruit need to be watered or do they have a tap root?
Im told grapes take 3 years to grow but id like to get 200 started.
Can you...
Are you still trying to hijack my current topic thread into prop 19 hypogarble even after the mods nuked your last post?
Don't you care about the army of lower class wage earners that are getting the boot and now out of work? (Legitimate work)
Im guessing this is thousands of people out of...
Is it to late to open a dispensary in CA?
I already have a collective and lawyer and paper work.
Is it to late to open a dispensary in CA?
Where I live they are banned.
Looks like most every one that entered the lottery got approved and some long time upstanding clubs that did not apply were shut down.
/me scratches head
Im growing clones in my garage for my outside medical (Legal grow)
A guy said I could mix in the T5 lights with the 1000 watters and make a broad light spectrum.
Is this a good idea or should I buy more 1000 watt lights?
some dank kush has mold, not harry mold but when you cut it apart its like chockey cork. I still cant tell, its hard to see even.
I cut them all up off the stem and it looks pretty good when they are "Pipe size"
My friend said they look fine and immediatey smoked a bowl after I...