i have pulled males out of my garden right by the mainstem. barely any roots left. i took him waay away from the girls and put him in a pot. i put him in full sun as if i wanted him to grow big. and after a day or two he perked right back up and grew like a muthafucka! He needed alot of...
AGREED! i dont think he's worried about elk hunters stepping onto his property and seeing his garden and saying 'oh theres a marijuana garden. i think its more like those stoney elk hunters that would yank a plant at first sight! Or maybe the wrong elk hunter stumbling onto his grow and calling...
i really only needed a handful of seeds. which i grew into moms this year in a closet with 2 flourescent light bulbs. threw out the males ,ended up with 3 fems, then cut as many clones as possible when i saw pistils around week 4-5 they were 6-12'' tall. why would anybody wanting sensemilla...
the sativa in the middle was shit i thought vut that pic was taken right before i harvested. i think now though that It was just premature. the deer liked it the most of all in fact it was the only one they kept eating. i eventually put fishing line around it. didnt help though so i cut it. i...
i got the odd seed that popped out when i cut the bud.
I had alot more time for them last year.
every mother this year was a seed out of buds off these plants(except the new earlybird skunk from 420);
looks tite Tycoon! +rep. fuck man those bushes will have like 100 king buds each. You'll be a happy guy in the end!
ps. can putting a garden in the ground too early really cause it to flower???
Those colas look great Joedank! do you think my yellowing plants will get that big of buds on 'em this year if i leave em another 4 weeks like you say? they look drained and mature ALREADY even after i feed them (i only feed half strength because its very irregular that i feed) and are those...
lol i got that, thanks eh. yes but in the first picture.. its missing the top. or it looks like it too me. i dunno tho. it does look close to me check the stickied thread in harvest and curing it tell you when theyre done
i dont understand... wut does the bud youre used to smoking look like Canadaboi?!
that smoke looks nice! you had to cut some off the top already from mold r wat?
lookin tite hawx. should try and get some pics of the trunks of dim trees. maybe in your next update :D just it would help give a better understanding of just how big those trees are
peace,.. im keeping an eye if ya dont minder
ill wait to cut i think though,.. try some mature bud this year eh :p oddly enough though my buds last year were f*ckn BOMB! more mature than most of everything else around! lol 200/zip
..just thieves :/ thinking i might have left a trail when i went to get pics and work some 20-20-20 in the dirt. honestly they are in bad spot. not far from a four wheeler trail hunter use. goose is in season now too..
* i know for next time