Sorry for the update lag to anybody that's been following this thread. I go to great lengths to try and take good pics and clean them in Photoshop for best results. That can get tasky with 7 plants. I'll try to take pics and post them twice a week, but now that they're past the main Veg stage...
Yeah, some people share the same opinion, but others have tried it successfully and posted about it here. It's definitely doable from the feedback I've seen, but most people stay away from it for that very reason. Kinda depends on the auto too.
Ahh, well that eliminates any worries of bringing in outdoor nasties. I say take advantage of any good sunlight you can get and save money on energy, assuming it's not too much effort. Obviously with several plants that's not very practical, but with just one or two plants there's no reason...
Tough comparison since you grew outdoors and your plants would get totally saturated, whereas I try not give much more water than the soil will hold without it all running out the bottom, but it's interesting to know. I'm using 2 gallon pots for mine, which is what almost everyone had...
I think you've given it MORE than enough time if it's an Auto strain. I'd go to 12/12 for sure by this point personally, but it might not flower at all considering it's from Nirvana. Bad luck mate, go with Attitude next time... Hope the switch helps, and remember to keep it 12/12 if it does...
I've seen a number of people do it and I did it for a while myself, but it was getting too tasky. Lumens are lumens, as long as the temps and humidity are within normal levels it's fine. Only problems are bringing in pests and other nasties from outdoors, particularly if you're bringing it in...
The replies are half right and half wrong. I don't think you realize how much these things grow by the time they start to flower. You CAN keep it alive and reasonably healthy using a single 23W bulb per plant until they flower, but they will absolutely suffer for it. As I said in my previous...
Check out my journal thread. Plenty of pics and it's exactly what you're trying to do and it works GREAT... my plants could scarcely be happier or healthier. And you CAN use a single 23W 1600 lumen bulb, 1 bulb per plant, for the first 10 days or so just FINE as long as it's properly focused...
Really nice grow! I'll let others comment on whether or not you should flush, but it would be helpful to have an extreme close up of a couple of the buds, in focus. Definitely looks close to me.
With FFOF as you say, you really don't need much if any nutes at all, especially during Veg. I have FFOF and I used a couple additives during Veg (an enzyme and a silicon solution), but no nutes. Once they started to flower I opted to use something for bloom to promote bigger buds (Liquid...
No idea bout you guys, but my ERs are ready for water every other day at this stage of their lives (around day 28-30). Used to be around 3 days when they were younger but they're drinking it up fast now, with no signs of over watering except the bottom set of leaves which are literally at soil...
Ahhhhhh, that doesn't surprise me very much at all to hear that. I've read posts from a number of people complaining that their Nirvana purchased autos hadn't flowered after 4 to even 8 weeks, although they'd grown VERY large, and they had to switch them to 12/12. To be honest I don't even...
Lol, I wouldn't exactly say like Ice. It was still in the mid 90s here today, and over 100 last week. Temps aren't a problem at all here until at least Dec., but the light starts to fade pretty fast by mid October.
Thanks. Somebody is paying attention to my thread if they know one is supposed to be growing outdoors ;). Oh, I bailed on the outdoor idea... I just couldn't justify the loss of yield from growing one entirely outdoors this late in the year, especially since the temps here were still well over...