Co-sigh to that!
But since any old idiot can join this site, it helps to point out that smoking crack is the stupid-est thing someone can do!!!
Just figure worst case scenerio 2oz per plant...
Love the avatar dude!
EDIT: I veg my plants to about 12-18in, so your worst case scenerio will probably be lower than mine... :mrgreen:
I thought it was quite the coincidence... lol
Sure it's kool, that's why I put it there... :mrgreen:
But sorry, I don't know micro grows - have you searched the GROWFAQ
Also, check the 'Cabinet/Small Closet/Tent Construction & Setup section of this site: International Cannagraphic Magazine...
IDK about cfls, but spectrum mixing in HIDs works great. I have 400w MH and HPS lights in one of my flowering rooms and get just as big and tight buds as I do with my 1000 watter.
On to your second question - the seed will probably sprout in about 2 days or so, but that's gonna vary on the...
Hey 40acres - sorry about attending to my our agenda... :mrgreen:
I totally believe that you would really enjoy the Hempy system, especially since you have been a soil farmer. But hey we are here to help each other - so here are some links that may help you make up your mind on the different...
Hey Damion - there's Lucas info right here at RIU
And from the old Overgrow, where I first heard of and started to using it:
Grow Marijuana FAQ, Cannabis cultivation - marijuana growing tips & photos
It's simple and...
No I don't believe that it is nutrient burn. Yes there is something that you can do and this is it...
Mature leaves turn yellow and then become spotted with edge areas
turning dark gray.
Potassium deficiency - add muriate of potash.:peace:
Welcome to RIU - I'm not an Aussie, but sure do love you guy's accents...
And hey, the next time you have a problem with your plants, check this thread out...
Hey Dicko - check out my thread for...
I posted in your other thread on this issue, but the pictures there didn't really show the spots. So it could be a potassium deficiency. Just go check out this thread...
Dude you have a classic, very fixable nitrogen deficiency and you'll see below how to remedy your situation...
This is is from the first post of the Plant Problems and Cures thread... Your issue is the first mentioned, because it is so common - so don't worry...