Now I almost didn't put this last bit up.. but I'm going to. I finished off the hood ventilation in my flowering room. Here are some updated shots. Everything is more or less finished. Cords and ropes will be bound and tied up, so pretend they aren't there.. haha.
Hood ducting scheme from the...
Part B of this rousing two part update showcases progress since the transplant, as well as the most recent round of training. The tomato cones will be getting chopped this weekend! These photos are from the end of day 52 VEG. For ease of posting, we will say this is DAY 52 VEG.
First off will...
This is a long shot of the veg room. A shelf has been replaced on the right-hand side to support a second generation now thriving in #1 pots.
AK-48, day 41 veg. AK is the slowest of the bunch, but still looking OK. I damaged this plant a little bit during the initial cloning round. I'm...
Well, everybody.. I need to apologize for being absent for SO SO LONG. I can't believe it's been a month already since I last updated you all on the still (mostly) thriving 7 strain family living with me. Grad skool has been kicking my ass and it's all I can do to keep everyone trained and...
Thanks man! Yeah I'm really really excited about the Sweet Tooth. I'm a grapefruit fanatic, and blueberry is stable and has a great growth pattern; it should be a really interesting strain to grow.
Sweet tooth will probably be the majority of my flowering plant count next round; this time I'm...
Hello everyone, time for a quick strain-by-strain photo update.
Today is day 23 veg, everyone has been topped twice and trained once. Main lining has begun!
Yesterday I took clones off each plant, one for sexing and one as a potential mother.
Here are the MaGoos, still growing ahead of the...
Just made an album of my last DWC cab grow.. I was a little too lazy to do a log for that one, but check out the album on my profile if you're interested.
Barney's Farm LSD (Skunk #1 x Mazar) BCNL Bloombox
Here's a highlight picture:
I feel so lucky to still have this picture!
Without further ado... Here is MYSTERY! as a seed, with the mama nug. I forget the strain but it was killer.
Ok! All done; that probably seemed quicker for you guys. Here we goooo
So the MaGoos are first, everybody is at day 14 now, as of about an hour ago.
Next up is my lone AK-48; it's a little behind but doing better this week; I have confidence.
Now for the White Russian; another loner...
Well I wanted to do a more comprehensive strain lineup photo-update for you lovely ladies and gents... but my pictures are taking forever to upload and.. well.. I'm bored. So here's something we can all look at!
The high res was too big.. I'm not great with forums; I'm leaving that up though...
Couldn't resist taking a couple more when I did my night-time spray down
Here are the same two Magoos, five days later (Day 10 veg)
Under one 400w...
Aaaand the other...
[img not working.. will add later]
Here's a long view of the veg room; I tried to get as near to the previous angle as...
Day 1 veg
Day 5 (6?) veg.. these (hopefully) ladies are Magoo!
Check back in tomorrow for finished veg room pictures... now with ducting.. and bigger plants! awww yeeeeah
Hello everybody, glad to be back after a transitional period! I moved early this year, and now that I have some room to spread my wings... well.. I have.
I amended about 60-70 gallons of SuperSoil (not sure about how many bags, weight, etc) and I've made a nice setup for myself over the last...
That's awesome, but I don't think the freezing did it. Fungus gnats allow their abdomen to freeze but the head and... thorax? I don't know... half of the bug freezes, so they survive the winter. Otherwise freezing would be my solution.
Unfortunately, Nugs, I am relatively certain. I've had some gnat issues before back with my DWC. My concern is that they have completely permeated the SuperSoil batch, as there is likely (enough) moisture content throughout.
Any ideas on clearing out my media? I'm worried I might get root...
Thank you kindly, bumps; I plan to start a log tonight. Got some nice pics from my last cab grow and of the new setup.
23 in veg currently on day 7: Lemon G, White Russian, AK48, Strawberry Cough, Magoo (Mango x Afghani x Silver Pearl), and Barney's Farm Sweet Tooth (Sweet Pink...
Appreciate the replies, guys; thank you!
Sniffer, I've been looking into a 50 Mil box of nematodes; I'm just concerned that my infestation is extensive and the nematodes aren't gonna cut it.
Endur0xX, I agree about the gnats... not necessarily a huge problem. I'm a little spooked at the...