I grew out the BSB x CB as well. and it turns just as purple as the CaliBand does. =) and i have a purple dog. DOG x ? very nice looking. have a selfed dog thats vegginf. really excited to give her a run. and love that theyre FEM. =) no more praying for a female.
ahhh very nice man. just checked it out. looks good. like the new style of the thread. i plant on running a couple of the floja crosses... mainly the flo-k-48.. since the ak had sum real nice power and taste.. but a lower yield. adn the floja had beautiful color and yield. but lacked taste and...
heyy man. idk if ur still around. jsut wanted to say. very very fuckin nice job man... wow.. i am very very very impressed. cant believe you pulled this off man. i thought my 3 1/2 ounce plant (in my avatar pic) i vegged for 3 weeks and flwoered for 8 under only CFL's was impressive... then i...
germing 3 of those purple pineapples now. =D i was debating on germing all 5... but ill start with 3 and see how they germ. and decide from there. depending on if i get my kushberry seeds.. i might germ another 1 of the strains as well. i know the blue giesel is blue mystic x ogiesel... and is...
yeaa i got them from a buddy on here. his blackwater had sum color to it. that sucks man.. =/ i always wonder.. how many strains that have been created are wat they actually say they are.. i mean im sure there are fuck ups here adn there... sum gets cindy.. and think its sumthin else.. then...
lol. thats good. i always said the same thing to my chick. im like dont worry. wat r they gonna want with you? lol. theyll onnly come for me. =)
yeaa i dont have much traffic coming thru my house... i keep my mouth shut.. im not too too worried... worse comes to worse.. i go away for a couple...
lol. i know. i got sum kids from sum rich ass college bout 3 hrs away that are gonna drive down in a week or so. just to smoke sum. lmao. they want to buy some for "bragging rights" at their school. lmfao.
and aiight id like to see the pics man. i can get over the smell of this bud... it is...
Mmmmmmmmmmmm..... the BSB looks bombbb. such nice color too it. light green with shaddes of hot pink. whoop whoop. look at this beauty.
buds from left to right are *K-13* - *Black SOur Bubble #1* *CaliBand*
haha. i like that.... love me love my grow! lmao. i gotta use that. my chick doesnt mind. she smokes sooo she enjoys it. ;)
good to see u and hc talking again. = ? <---- or howeva HC makes those faces. lmao. ughhhh sooooo tireddddd!
**im really liking that K-13. it smokes almost...
yeaaa u r right my friend. lol. i was on the bus on my phone. =D and awesome man! for sum reason i thought u said the BSB was a strain u needed to make sum more of... well thats good news. lol. sooo all is NOT lost. =) i cant wait to smoke that BSB tho. Mmmmmm.
and aiight yeaa ill let y akno...
not bad... not bad at all. on my way to work actually. =D u check out the harvest pix a page or 2 back? that bsb came out fucking amazinggg!! smells like candy! lifesavers and fruitloops. it was deff a keeper... but sadly my clone did not make it... fuckin stupid rooter plug thingys.. fuck them...
Yeaa man you could deff do a full 12-12 from seed grow in that cup. ive seen ppl do them in 12 ounce party cups. =) try going into the search bar on the top of the thread.. and type in party cup grow.. and look for a thread started by sum1 called SICC. this dude is the party cup master! lol...
Heyyy MC. I have grown quite a few nirvana strains. but sadly.. none ofn them have ever produced these red/purple leaves you are talking about. i would most deff. keep a few clones of her around tho. they sound special. =) nirvana has quite a few indica dom. strains. most common one would be the...
dont worry. b4 u kno it youll have a bunch of stuff flowering all at once. after the purple dog and other bsb come down... i wont have anything ready for 7 weeks... =/ blows. threw 3 c-99 clones into flwoering last week. 2 are small tho. gotta get sum more things goin soo i can get bak in my...
cannot WAIT for my chinese food to get here! place is like 5 mins down the st.. but yet it always takes 45-60 mins for it to get here... wtf are they doin!!? still got 2 more plants to come down next week or so. BSB #2 and the lovely purple dog. =D cannot wait!