So you od'ed on heroin?? If you want an example of someone who did DWC hydro in a PCbox with tons of pics and instructions check out crazytrain's grows on here. in his signiture youll see DWC grow.
Another story recently out showed that they are allowed to put tracking devices on your car and monitor your movements 24/7 without a warrant and without tellking the subject. The guy who found the device on his car was half egyptian but apparently no criminal record at all...
Awesome job man, I have some bubblelicious seeds that im planning on throwing in the dirt on my next grow... I have some shortryders that are 3 weeks old, when can I start to use the scrog fence? Also when is it the best time to use the pinching method?
CT is right, Shortryder is meant to stay at 18/6 for the entire grow. Also it is an autoflower so regardless of the light it will follow its normal time frame. You will only lose yeild by reducing the light on shortryder. I know this because I have two of them in veg right now. Hope that helps...
Yea dude your right...its a big conspiracy, he photoshopped the pics and now im trying to promote thier Actually I am trying to decide between getting a Cool Cab , Supercloset, or a BC Northernlights unit. and I am trying to figure out what is the best turnkey lockable...
Thats too small. Go with a server size box 26" tall is the largest one I have seen ... which I also own. I got my system premade from but if you are looking to build your own I would reccomend going with a 26" tower because once you add a pot with soil and the lights to the top...
I always weight it no matter what. if he sees you weight it each time it will always be on point or better. its money so you count that right. Well if he is counting money you should be weighing the bag.
Jesus Christ!!...(of cannabis)
Dont say a fucking thing or go anywhere without a lawyer. A lawyer will be the difference between them giving you the max they can give and you getting a slap on the wrist and some comunity service.
Micro, amazing scrog work bro. So do you basically top the plant and then thread the plant into the scrog or does it pretty much grow into it? When is best to place the scrog net into the pc?
Looks like a nice setup. Id make sure you put magnets on the back of that powerstrip so you can raise and lower the lights. I paid for mine but thats because im horrible at building things and also because im lazy as fuck. I did a shitload of research before i got it, if someone wants cfls then...
WInter women, Try and keep it to Pictures and videos that make you laugh... We are very stoned and dont want to read. Youre awesome though just so you know
Whatever,if its an advertisement its working, I want one... My question is this: There are 2 suppliers and so what is the difference and who is the main supplier? I want to get it direct so who did you get it from?