Dude rdr whats the sativa tree I see? I haven't ever seen you do a sativa it looks like high yeilder there can't wait to see the results. I bet the high is gonna be soaring.
Ahhh the cannabis cup. I've wanted to go for sooooooooo long. Maybe here in the near future. I think its like 1,600 us a person for judges passes and everything including plane tickets.
I gotcha. Well I'm still gonna take a lil break on posting pics... I can't wait for yours however I bet things are starting to look bushy in there now.
I feel ya. No one and I mean no one knows about my RIU account. There are only two people who know about my grow one being my girl, second my brother in law. I'm really paraniod cause it seems like everyone who gets busted on this site is from FL which I am too. No more pics for me...
Ya man no problem. I like watching your journals. Mine will no longer be updated due to security issues here on RIU. Somone in my state got busted through this site. I'm only doing posting on other peoeples thread from now on. I'm too paranoid to post pics and also I got a kid on the way...
I dunno I've always heard smoking with your plants is great. I do it all the time. I smoke in the same room all the time and I haven't ran into any problems yet.
Looking good wonder. I've been gone for about a week and a half. Been kinda paranoid if ya feel me. I can't wait to see your harvest's and your next run. Loving what you did with the room.
I haven't been on since I read the thread Dill. TLD I know the thread probablly isn't up but what did it say. Cause I am in the same state as SM was I'm freakin paranoid dudes.
You need to get those plants out of that MG soil. STOP using it, it really sucks very very bad. Lowes has a brand called Jungle Growth go with that its much better.
Ok wow guys somone in my state got busted through this site last week. I'm taking a break. I'm a bit paranoid to say the least so I'm not gonna be logging on at all for a couple weeks. I'll be back in a bit sorry guys ;-)
I'd lollipop those soil plants like HN said. I wouldn't even want to waste time on popcorn nugs on those plants. Cola growing and thats it haha.
You can easily achieve those huge colas. Veg them butes a longer and use some LST to tie the plant out. And then finally lollipop your colas to promote cola growth and not popcorn bud shoots.