You should always turn your lights to normal lighting when taking pictures of your babies. It is hard to tell anything about them when you have the strong colors going in the pictures. Also, I am jealous, I went out to Colorado and tried Lavender Jones and it smelled amazing and was a very solid...
First of all, I would like to thank you guys for responding and being so helpful. I really appreciate the great advice given here.
UPDATE: These are two days after fimming/cleaning them up some. They popped back up because I also low stress trained them too. I have plenty of room in my tent as...
Well, I know I should wait 10 days after fimming and trimming. I am doing low stress training as well. I definitely want to wait a bit and try and get a good solid yield from my first grow. This is pretty exciting! :) Any suggestions? Also, does anyone have any idea on the flowering time on this...
Thank you for your response! Reputation If i can! I just worry about them and I am doing some fimming now. I am just so confused as to why I am getting these alkaline read outs from the soil root zone area.
What do you guys think so far though? I mean am I doing okay for my first grow? any...
I would also like to add that my temperatures are hoovering no higher than 75 degrees with a humidity around 60%. I have solid air flow in the tent as well.
Hello, so after a long period here is my update!
I am having some issues with managing the PH in Fox Farm Coco Loco. The leaves are twisting and the tops are light green. I'm not sure I am ever going to use Coco Loco again. I don't think the trouble is worth the amount of issues I have been...
Hello, I am a new member to Rollitup. My name is Sydney and I am currently a college girl who is majoring in plant sciences. I love growing because it is so fulfilling, and its truly the most peaceful and relaxing experience to bring something to life, nurture it and watch it grow.