Morning Jig and crew. Good topic of conversation this morn. That map that you posted with the Wal Mart and Whole Foods locations is so true! Let me tell you how big a fucking dichotomy the Bay is here... rich people one side, poor people on the other. Until you get to the South Bay, as COF...
So true. One must learn from their victories and their losses. Either way I'm learning!
BTW, the Horsetail works great! My plants absolutely love it, and I don't think you can give them too much per se. It's loaded with Silicates, and I've been at it with them for over a couple weeks now...
No shit dude. That was me last harvest, too. I'd never had any "real" issues to speak of. I think I got 3 ounces... Terrible. I'm praying like hell I can keep the PM at bay this round. I'm spraying Horsetail mixed at 25% strength every other day. I'm a paranoid fuk. Can't wait til week 4...
Thanks HC. I've used one tomato cage before, and it worked great on a little outdoor plant I had. I think I'll really be needing them to help hold things together once I get some heavier buds going. I'm anticipating pulling out the old bamboo stakes, too.
I'm honestly not sure how much I'll...
Ya did, huh? How're they looking? :weed: I bet. . .
Thanks for the kind words. I'd just sprayed them with their Equisetum, so they were lookin' a lil droopy. They're really starting to kick into gear. I'm so excited!
Thanks Spliff. I've got a Blueberry and a Headband both in 7 gal...
Will try and update this a little more thoroughly a bit later. Got a lot going on today. Chuggin' right along in flower... day 5 or so. This was taken yesterday at day 4 however. Probably a ton of difference between the two shots. :lol:
Hey Aev! Just got back into flower again... just finished up one a little while ago, too. :lol: But the last one was probably my worst grow ever, so I'm just erasing it from the books. The weed is damn potent, though. Just not enough of it.
I think you can reuse or recompose soils pretty...
Nice, I'm just starting to try and reuse soil... er, more like save up soil to reamend and then reuse. I've got awhile before I'll be at that point, though.
Equisetum is just the Latin term for Horsetail. I've been spraying it as a preventative measure. Working great so far, and the plants...
Just keep feeding them water, Jig. Sounds like that's all they want.
It's been warm as fook around here the past day or so. Raining a bit, so maybe that is keeping the heat trapped, but still... was 72 degrees inside last night with no heat on. That is just ridiculous for around these parts...
Hey Bongwell. Top of the mornin' to ya. It's only day 3 now of 12/12 so I'm not overly concerned. I do wish more would have shown some preflowers though.
Been spraying Equisetum, and will be watering about half of the girls today. Some of these girls are really bulking up already.... like...
Top of the mornin' to ya Donnie. Just a couple of days in... but the plants are well established from seed, and I would hope be showing a litte more by now. It's ok though, just going to have to move some things around if I see any signs of nanners.
And yes, pictures are LONG overdue :lol: ...
Sounds like a plan to me, Stanley. I love makin' pr0n! I'm glad you've got some bookoki plans over in your pad, too :D Trip X fo sho!
Today is day 1 of 12/12 in my tent again. Thought I did it day before yesterday, but somehow the switch on my timer got flipped up into the "On" position...
It's about to get nuts in here, isn't it? I'm about to see a lot of pr0n, and feel a lil bit of envy. I can feel it! ;)
I'm with everyone else... can't wait to see what you come up with in these crosses!
edit: That was supposed to be a joke, right? I'm not even baked yet... maybe that's my problem?
and btw, I agree w Bill... that is definitely looking like some overfeeding claw on the Sour D. . . but nothing you can do now. Just move forward with H20 on that one.
Heyyy what's up guys. Thanks for swingin by to make sure I wasn't dead.
Had to cull my last Bubbleberry yesterday. Took forever, but it threw some balls on me. Everyone in the flowering tent is looking good though. Hitting their stride now, and I'll probably flip as early as tomorrow...