Hey guys. I had a feeling that my plants were getting root bound by the slow growth or no growth I was getting. I also had an issue where one of my fans went out and temps got to about 94-98. Yikes! I had some crazy rust looking color washed leaves and was looking for a bit of input on what...
I wish I didn't have to, but around here it seems to be frowned upon to grow one of these ladies outdoors. Ha ha. If I were outside the city I would be outdoors with the free light, great air, and rainwater. I wish you luck on your grows!!
Yeah, sure would. It seams like a great idea. I'm going to look when I'm out this weekend and see what I can come up with. I'll post pics when I get home with the build. This is going to be fun. Means I might be able to run my other 85watt cfl in my closet:) last time I ran it temps got to 92...
Right! For my closet space, this is a bit big, however it certainly could be scaled down. I am think about frozen bottles of water in a Styrofoam cooler that fits in a 1 gallon bucket with small fan. May need to watch the increase in humidity though. You could always use dry rice in the bottom...
Thanks for all the info! I wanted to let you guys know that they bounced back as I hoped they would. I will be getting the lst this weekend when I pick up some supplies. They are getting a bit older, so it's now or never to get the lst'd. Here's a few pics from this morning. Seedlings are also...
Cool. I appreciate the info. I have been running for six weeks but had extremely slow growth because of the horrible soil I started them in, just feel like they should be a little further along. Patience is a virtue I assume. Its been quite a fun hobby and I am really enjoying my first grow...
Hey guys is there any way to can really mess up LST? I SAW a vid where a guy taped a large fan leaf down to the side of the container and thought I would give it a go. It worked when they were younger just fine. I untapped them and they stuck with a bent stalk so I thought all was good. Well, 3...
Thanks. Started the 3 that you see here in red solo cups with the crappiest soil I have ever seen in my life. They sprouted and the seedlings started to wilt so I took a chance and got them from the cups to 8 inch pots they are in now with FFOF mixed 40 percent perlite. They have since done...
Hey guys just wanted to say hey and introduce my first grow. I look forward to getting to know some of you guys and growing old with ya. Here's a few pics of my closet grow. I'm fully opened to tips, criticism, comments.