Here goes.. final weight on the White Rhino's: 72 grams!!
I think I'll hit 100 grams in total or 3.5oz. as predicted..
maybe slightly higher since the El Niño still got a week to go and might start swelling a bit..
Lol thanks bro ;)
here's a look at the first weigh in:
41gr (1 plant)
I will weigh the second one later tonight, need to get my jars at my sisters house first to start curing.
alright it's been a week since I chopped down the ladies and they're curing now..
here's a first look at what came out (this is btw. the best looking nuggets I could find..) these are the lower buds that weren't affected by the heat.. I'll add pics of the upper buds later, they smoke like...
Yeah I thought about it before too,
But I know the White Rhino and El Niño pretty much grow at the same rate and I could mix the same nutrient solution for them.
The Blue Cheese, Northern Light and the other 2 I'll have to keep an eye on.
Don't think it's going to be a real issue though.
Yes I think 3.5oz on all 3 plants.. which wouldn't be anywhere near what I think it should have yielded.. but next grow I won't disappoint!
To answer your question blunder, Look below..
5 El Niño's
4 Blue Cheese
2 White Rhino's
1 Northern Light
2 Unknown Ceres seed feminized mixed.
The blue...
Curacao is a small Island in the Caribbean.. population: 140k
Very beautiful island, that vid was taken in some of the "rougher" neighborhoods, but it shows the island lifestyle a bit..
And I think just 3.5oz. I smoked a piece already today that I dried under a fan and I'm pretty much wasted...
Ai't thanks guys!!
They're drying nicely :D
It smells like a farm in here, like horse shit or something.. the stench is overpowering my anti odor spray :P
But it's a small you'll quickly!!! learn to love :D
...But I can't open the doors, cause it'll send a clear message
So guys this is what most of you have been waiting for.. It's harvest time :D :weed:
Well today I cut down my White Rhino's and left the El Niño to flower another week longer to 12 weeks.
The WR's had 80% Amber trichs, so you know that means :twisted::twisted: :mrgreen:
These buds are...
lol Stgeneziz I believe that was my doing ;)
I repped you just in time to see your blocks evolve.
And yea just do it, you have well nothing to lose at that point.. so why not give it a try and see for yourself ;)
Thanks guys, didn't think I'd get so much interest in this technique.. otherwise I would have definitely done it again on time so you guys could see.
+rep to everyone I could rep in here :P
And thanks for the reps I finally got 3 green blocks :D :D
awesome stuff bro!
for flowering I've never used any additional products or recipes to help stimulate better buds..
I only use Advanced Nutrients..
If the PW was only flowering a week, then I don't think it would be too much of a problem to just take a small cutting from her.
It's not going to...
Yea he's pretty good.. not my favorite artist or anything though ;)
next time you could embed the youtube vid in your page by just adding the following
[*youtube] the last part of the youtube link in this case: FZwVjys2bQI should be placed here [*/youtube]
take out the *'s
bikeskill may be right.. mobo's rarely get burned.. usually it's a different component like the RAM, CPU or PSU.
Either ways it sucks balls and I wish him all the best at home with no pc.. That's my worst fear now a days :P
awhh shoot.. and I need just 7 more to get my 3rd block :P
I'll include that in my next journal for sure!
or just watch wonderblunder's journal and see his results :D
You should definitely do it and I'm sure you'll do a fine job documenting it too ;)
I'm also going to do again in my next...