ok so its 2nd week in to budding and what i do it.
water my plants at night every day because the soil dryes up every day then then in the morning not every morning i give them nutrents and thats it...
when do i stop giveing them nurtents?
and is there a certain time to flush my plants?cant i...
haha just playing but please reply to this thanks!
OK SO my plants are in 2 weeks into budding and do i add plannt food?
AND OR CANT YOU tell me every thing i need to know untill i harvest and do i stop watering them the last few days please reply!!!!thannks
how do i hide my out door plant smell my nobor is shady and one day i was trimming my plant and i look at the fence and i saw him creeping up on me he didnt know i was therer then i like just walked away i never talked to him scence i live there
but tis strating to smell bad and how do i hide up...
haha thanks
how do i upload pics?
and on looks retarded cuz i had to have bricks and shit to hide them from my po and nobors and shit..is that bad cuz on the bottom it dosent really have much steams and shit
thyere purtty big right now..its myfrst time growing and im have good experance with my brother and shit but..it looks like it to me there going into budding how do i afficaly tell they are going into flowering?
i have 2 plants right by each other there tuching each other a little bit it that...
haha just kidding on my plants there are diffretnt collas and there are white hairs on the ends on each one of those how much bud will it have?im growing out side and its snow capp
my brother said i need to get some lady bugs because dust spiders will eat my buds..but i havemy palnts out side wont the lady bugs just fly away and i will waist my money on they what else can i use so those spiders and other bugs wont eat my crop?
On my plants there and way way more branches on the top and and on the bottom there are way less.
The bottom dosent get no sun because the top leaves and blocking it and there are tall ass tree around my plants..dose the whole plant need sun all the way around?