melungeon Magic came from an abandoned project of my fathers 20 years ago. I took a group of 20 year old seeds that he could not imrove on and started poping groups of 5. Remember the old childrens song on pbs? "One of these things is not like the other?" This is what you are looking for. every...
Never have I considered a few bannas an issue, When a strain has become as stable as it may ever get sometimes It will do this to perpetuate itself. If you have a strain that you like to push to its blooming limit and you take it straight through to amber looking trichomes the plant will go into...
yes I've researched and experimented with advance culture cloneing in a controlled enviroment using infered and bacteriastat lights ( like for keeping bacteria from growing underlight. used in brewing process. This thing with the Az-max is purely an accidental discovery. I would not mind a...
Don't know if I can take them all the way but Im going to try I have one at 14 inches lots of nodes now producing flowers they started at about 12 inches probably be a half of what I'm used to seeing out of this but worth a try. The azmax seems to have shut the doner mothers off as well as there...
Wow! Was just typing and was supprized How many people came off with like opinions on the newbie subject! How refeshing to be on the forum and not read a bunch of massage my ego bulshit!!! way to go people! mabey Change can happen in the most unlikely places.peace
As long as the science continues to expand, we will all remain newbies. Your status shouldn't be dictated by what it says behind your Icon, But what your friends on the forum think of your skills. And what your friends think of your product. I AM a proud newbie and hope to remain that way...
I use botanicare products with huge sucess. I do NOT use the chart. Alot of the products it list is not the makeings for weed fuel. I use power plant, Power Flower, silica Blast, and cal mag. I at the second week of bloom will add Thrive Alive B-1. If in soil the power plant and power flower are...
To early to tell! Don't sweat it yet. Those may be just little calyxs getting ready to pop some pistles you will know for sure soon enough. It appears you are just reaching the terrciarry stage now (nodes on side branches) just let them go. If there is a male or two in the bunch,It does'nt mean...
Ok here is where everybody gets to chime in and say it cant be done but I have roots.
Heres the thing. I had some pesky fungus nats in my auto flowers, I performed an Az-Max drenching on them, This caused a shutoff switch to trigger in my Auto flowers, 2 weeks I waited for any growth at all...
Thanks for that! kinda what I was expecting to hear. was hopeing to find it way cheaper in the $100 an ounce range on the coast, well hopefully will only have to do it once or twice while I get going here. about 50 clones working off of 9 mothers. Will probably run a second batch before I begin...
Just moved to to Lincoln City, Or. area from the Rockies. Haveing some trouble securing the ommp card but, have found new Avenues to follow. Because of necessity I must seek meds on the street. What can I expect to pay for these meds apposed to securing them from less than illegal sources, I.E...
Are you near lincoln city ? Just moved from western Idaho trying to get with the med program, as well as getting aquainted with the local med comunity , respond with a line or two we love darts and pool and get togethers, not to mention the fact we know no one here.
Just moved to lincoln city or, looking for someone in the area to help with valid info on how to obtain a med card. doc in area etc also is there a group of people who regularly gather for functions? please respond thanks !!
probably isn't a true hermi its just been stressed to self, pull out the nanners with tweezers and control them that way throught bloom you will be fine. remember there are three sexes if late in the bloom it's just trying to self, as a last ditch effort to reproduce. This happens when you push...
congrats , and welcome to the wonders of organic growing !!!! make shure to give them some un-sulfered molasass about everyweek this will help those plants to absorb what yopu are giving them about everyother feedidng I like to mix about 1/4cup to 2 gal of water and give it to them . The...
Ive got an indica strain that grows very bazzar siamease looking leafs, two leaves growing out of the same leaf stem back to back one stem two leaves from the apex of the leaf, I get sometimes 15-18 blade om these leaves., I think there is a picture in behind mylar curtain album.