The crown cannot ask for a mandatory minimum if they catch a guy who has grown 25 plants for medicinal purposes for X amount of years. They MUST be able to prove that it was for the purpose of trafficking that the cultivation took place or they CANNOT ask for the mandatory minimum. If a guy...
The crown can only request the mandatory minumum sentence for 6 plants or over IF it can prove it was for the purpose of trafficking.
Ill post a link to a seminar about the cannabis laws in Canada by Kirk Tousaw if I can find it on youtube, it was posted on Cannabis Culture's website this summer.
When patients retain their constitutionally guaranteed right to produce in the constitutional challenge they will have even less potential "customers".
Naturally grown aka no food only microbes feeding the plants in actual soil mix. No one will grow it that way because it isnt profitable but it is the best medicine in every way.
Yes I do. I am not worried one small little bit. Supreme court rulings are binding and its illegal to make a policy that violates the charter of rights and freedoms. The legal team of conroy will show a judge what ending home growing is going to do to the 15 most effected patients and the...
This is how you know that the people that made the MMPR are completely out of touch with reality. The only thing we will be destroying are these illegal and unconstitutional regulations in court.
R v. Davis son.
We will win in court. Look at the Tory's track record of their policies and programs that are challenged and defeated in court. Conroy will get an injunction and we will slam these unconstitutional regulations in the courts. The supreme court is going to be like we told you in 2001...