Been doing big bloom at full dose, tiger bloom at half dose and foliage pro at half dose. The past two waterings were only water as I wanted to see if it was a nute problem. The larger lower fan leaves on all the plants are turning yellow, I pulled those off (2-3 leaves per plant). Here are some...
4x3x5 ft tent, 600 wat HPS, currently running big bloom, tiger bloom, and foliage pro. I just upgraded from a smaller tent and some of my plants got light burned. Will they recover? I will post pictures tonight! Thanks bro
Hey guys- I just upgraded to a 4x3x5ft tent from a 2x2x3 ft tent. While in the small tent, one of my Durban poison autos got too close to the light and got burned(see pic).
Should I cut the burned stuff off? Or leave it alone? I'm sad I let this happen. But at least they are in the big tent now...
Is it normal to see noticeable bud growth in just a day? I swear that between leaving in the AM and coming home from work, they look bigger. Ridiculously fast growing....
One of my smallest short riders at day 42. This one is in a half gallon pot and is around 80 cm. smart pots with happy frog soil. The other 4 short riders are at 100 cm. really starting to put on some buds now. Got tiger bloom, big bloom and foliage pro going still...
I have a 4x3x5 ft grow tent with a 600 watt air cooled HPS. How many plants should I grow to maximize yield? Keeping in mind I am only growing auto flowering strains.....
I'm a big fan of sativas and strains that give energetic highs. I am currently looking to get some seeds so I'll be ready for my next grow.
Thus, what's the most potent kick-ass auto strain? What should I get?
I want something that will get you funked up, but not so much of a couch lock/sleepy...