Not sure what is up with customs if they are back logged or short staffed or equipment problems but the paper states it was inspected 4/3 after being in LA since 3/17. Which is 14 business days to even get to inspecting the package.
Called some places and here is the run down:
Lazy J's
19th and 20th
Heady's (assuming anything over $250) are 30-50% off
Anything less than $250 is buy one full price get one for $4.20
Illuzion Glass
Is having a special but they don't have the information as of yet about it.
Mile High
My name and full address was on the note. Personally I wouldn't have ordered from Attitude if it weren't for the promo offer. I've had success with other seed banks in the past and none until now have been confiscated.
Lesson learned. See free shit and get enticed. Though in the long run it...
Got my package today after being in LA since the 17th. In the package was a note and a Rare Dankness T-Shirt, sweet a Colorado company. On the outside of it was green tape. Contacted them today. Hope they uphold the promo seeds since they are apart of the order and I did guaranteed.
Not excited...
There are warnings on prescription medication to cover liability issues like your speaking of. Just because you've got a prescription for oxycotin doesn't mean that you'd just get out of being fired for being on oxycotin and causing an accident at work. It's all about if are you intoxicated at...
Hehe I wouldn't say that I'm a glass snob but the only reason being is that all my friends seem to break my pipes and not myself. I used to buy nice nice pieces for myself then I'd get those phone calls while I was at work or just out and about "ugh I'm so sorry bro but I broke your ______."...
So I've been in the market for a dabber setup for a bit now. Looking to replace my metal L pipe that looks like a crack pipe that I use to smoke oils and concentrates. It's an eclipse vape. It' fine and all but it leaves left over waxes in the pipe which need cleaned basically everytime you...
Does the state currently have legislation that controls or dictates the drug testing policy? I always thought it was just up to the company in question to make their drug testing policy.
The NPK ppm @ 1.89g per gallon yields a ppm of N-P-K:100-63-107.
So for a 20-20-20 it has a ratio of 1:.44:.83 of N to P to K based upon being provided as P2O5 and K2O.
Here is the math
Calculate ratios
N = 20 P = 20 * .43 = 8.6 K = 20 * .83 = 16.6
Calculate mg per liter
1000 x...
Interested to see this one through. Was waiting for a while to get the Chemdawg x G13 but was outta stock then he came out with the headband right as it came back in stock. Asked him his preference between this and the Chemdawg x G13 he said the Chemdawg x G13 is a bigger plant and the headband...
Eh I'm kinda a pessimist anyways so I could entirely be wrong. But I've never had a package sit that long in a sorting facility that had illicit things in it, like four packages in total. Just my experience. I did guaranteed so not a massive deal just sets me back time wise on getting them...
Your plants look really happy, no leaf issues or cupping. What's your feeding schedule like with the jacks? Do you feed it every time at a certain amount or by feel as needed? I'm new and also doing jack's but over fed feeding them @ 100-63-107 ppm every watering (1.89g per gallon).
Glad that...
Mines still in LA as well. Been there since 17th. Doubting that it'll come out after being there seven days, as I've never had a package sit that long illicit or not. We'll see though.
Thanks for chiming in fellas. I grabbed some mosquito dunks and broke up two of them in halves. Crumbled those up and spread 1/2s over each plant, as I only have four plants. My homie recommended Spinosad and Azamax combo as well. I am letting three of the four dry out atm as one is so droopy...
If you just wanna get high and wander off like Towelie then I like playing Journey. Not an all the time thing but fun none the less. Dead Space and Portal both have a special place in my heart. Playing Dead Space super high in the dark is scary shit.