oo yeaaaa. offensive smells are always good wen it comes to weed. =D my c-99 almost makes ne nauseous due to the smell. almost smells like rotten fruit.
went thru my stash box. has a shitlaod of bags with shafe.. and a few tiny buds leftover from other plants/harvests that i never finished smoking because i got sumthin new to smoke.. sooo i finally exptied it all out and grinded it up... rolled a niced fat ass joint.. a regular size joint... and...
have you guys growin super skunk? that was a great strain. fast finisher. great high. great yielder. got mine from nirvana. think i posted pics of them here a few pages back with all my cfl grown plants. had a very unique/musky taste almost. hard to describe.
i also grew sum jack herrer a while...
heyy guys. i took the cheese outta the closet.. got it sittin with a balck trashbag over it.... lettin it sit in darkness for 2-3 days... or maybe 1 depending on how my patience is. lmao. i LOVE trimming plants... i am VERY VERY VERY impatient wen it comes to this.. i needa work on that. lol...
wish my GG had purple trichs... =( mine didnt have any.. but it sure did pack a hell of a punch... very very potent. and frosty as fuck too. just wasnt a big yielder. i wanna grow it out again soon tho.
damn T... fucking beautiful as always.. it amazes me every time u post pics.. the pics are sooo clear and at perfect angles.. and the buds are just as phenomenal! im jealous. =) wish i made more money/didnt have so many bills... i would love to buy sum TGA gear... =(
heyy nice grow man. =) i grew the bubblicious before. very very nice strain. is the blackberry from nirvana as well?? ive heard good things about wappa as well. i grew warlock from magus genetics. and was very impressed with their genetics.
awwwww mannn. thats too bad to hear that man. (about the space bomb) =( lemme kno wen ya pop those cinderella 99 seeds. =) curious to see wat ya can do with them. im sure you wont be disappointed!! =D ill keep ya up to dat on the potential female purple pineapple.. pretty sure its a female...
changed my avatar. but got the same usename. we werent close. i just used to pop thru here and there and check out ur grow. always one of my favs. =) lemme kno as soon as u get ur shit started tho. =) havent heard from SICC in quite a while tho... idk wat hes doin. u can check out my thread if...
ahhhhh even better. purple trichs are better then amber. =D at this stage anywayz. lol. pretty cool looking man! its awesome that u actually got it to show up on camera too. =) i wonder wat color the purple trich heads will be once they mature? amberish purple
ehhhh.. a lil hairier than im used to... but ill take wat i can get... lol. jk jk. ughhh thats sooooo grosss... lol. love the serious face tho. looks like hes almost tryna be sexy with those big hairy titis. lol
JUST like that! lol. never seen that pic before. very niiiice very niiiice. =) idk why sub wouldnt wanna release that beauty! lol. ima have to ask him if this is his strain.. lol. see wat he sais.
lol. yeaa that is one of my favorite movies of all time. lol. never gets old. =) jim carey is a great actor.. deff a favorite.. and jonny depp too. he can play sooooooo many diff characters.
i needa get myself sum dry ice for my next hash run. looks to produce alotta better hash than using ice/water extraction method. theres only 1 place around my area that sels dry ice.. i needa get down there sumtime tho. seems alot faster too. =)
lol. you dont know about me chwoing down on the bud.. but ur thinking about smokin the carpet. lmao. jk jk. i would consider it as well. lol. it is very frosty. especially for only 30 days!! imagine it in another 20 days!!