give them 1st feed other day they are really growing can see diffece every few days they are autos bubble gum
last year i planted about this time i got 3 ak autos to go in green house soon just popped them yeterday
hi guys i post my pics on monday or tuesday and they even bigger now they a growing really fast but look at 1st pic 1 looks like some burn on it leaves how can i sort it and what would cause it tys
lol this 1 is still asking when am moving them but i hope to get a big shed soon with heating in it etc for breading cats once my cats has kittens i have money for shed
lol this 1 is still asking when am moving them but i hope to get a big shed soon with heating in it etc for breading cats once my cats has kittens i have money for shed
be bit longer for mine but even with bad weather sun is usally about and they are doing well, most nights no frost but if it says frost i cover them in black bin bag but saying that i have missed odd frost but 3 are foing great 4th 1 is small but its seems to be trying so happy days
hi guys took few more pics of my girls in green house i be starting to feed them soon on this soon used it now for 3 years
go some ak autos going to pop them this week
hi guys i took pic of my pics of plants i have in green house at the start of the week here is more pics and they are growing like fuck now
here is a pic of my babies in the green house and new seeds i got came in a nice tin and very chep website some great offers in on it...