the great thing about Nor Cal, it is the fruit salad of weed lmao. it is nice lots of variety but i am just waiting for my buddies blowfish plant to get done I wanna try that shit so bad. plus he showed me a pic of it damn thing looked like a row hedge lol. their like 8ft around and 5ft tall.
as a rule I always like to take a lab mentality about this so I would say rather than go fro broke one way or the other split your load between the two and see what gives you better results. my guess would be that it would be pretty close either way, yet would make a great journal study. I would...
naw it should be fine as far as I know I dont use pucks for clones I use 2" rock wool cubes because they can get dropped into soil, or just about any other medium
dude i so did the same thing the 1st time i cloned you are only missing two step that make all the diff.
1st when you take your clone before you dip in gel take a xacto knife and wound the sides of the stock all the way around with cut lines about .25in. to 1in. depending how big of clones your...