Aglime can be almost all CaCO3, or it could be roughly the same Ca:Mg ratio that's in prilled garden lime. Prilled lime has lignosulfonate binders to hold the prills together and usually has somewhere around a 2-4:1 Ca:Mg ratio, which is desirable.
The size of the lime particles (along...
yeah add and mix the up...I think the ewc would be the most important...but they kinda all are...the happy frog & FFOF would be the base...perlite to lighten things up....coco wicks water well...lime for ph.... ewc for microbes ...
this mix will feed for around a month....
Yup! maxsea is great stuff..
I have grown dream queen/green crack outside a few times...she does really, really finisher! good yield...
I would scrap the happy frog and get earthworm casting,perlite,coco(or peat) and could make alot more soil for the same price as the HF...
I use neem oil and pro-tekt in veg and azamax in flower....I think people here use BT for worms...I don't have worms here so I don't know...
If you use a high nitrogen nutes in flower you will end up with leafy buds....Time release nutes take away any control you have over feeding...
check out...
I never had any problems with them....They like my supplemental lighting.... I didn't kill it...they have a season...they hatch once a year in spring
More than one plant in a pot is a bad idea....
If one needs food and the other is about to burn what are you going to do?
also one's roots will strangle and choke the others and it will get stunted....
If they are still that small transplant them now.....
also check out...
It also depends on what you have your lights on....if you have them on 24/0 and put them out they will probably still flower....
If you have them on a more natural light schedule you should be fine to put them out now...
I put mine out on 4-20 too....but I use supplemental lighting...What strain?
I was taking about a NPK kit not a PH kit....
My 100's get
2 1.5 cf bags FFOF 22.5 gal
2 2 cf bags happy frog 30
.5 4cf bag of perlite 15
1 2cf bag black gold coco 15
1 25 lbs worm castings 2-4 ish?
homemade amended soil 13 ish
8 cups dolomite lime
few cups rainbow mix