that they are stretching that is your concern lower the light on them. They shouldn't be that tall and spindely looking they should stay short and slowly get taller.
Looks good so far as for room and light and set up. You deffinately need some inline fans and a GOOD carbon filter spend atleast a hundred bucks on one if you want it to work trust me. I've had trials with the cheap ones and they suck you could still smell anything and everything. I went out...
No problem bro just trying to help another out ya know?
Haha I wish I had that power lol. It seems there are ALOT of opinions on this subject personally I choose to up the N during this important stretch time to help with the stretch. It only benefits you in the long run. Also keeping this...
Thanks man.
Ok size doesn't really matter for this question. I didn't want to type all this but I will. Ok my last grow for instance I noticed off the bat three weeks in from seed (plant in my avay) that she was a nutrient hog. The first feeding I gave half strength nutes in that week she...
How did she do during the whole growth stage? Like was she a heavy eater to begin with? Or was she a light feeder? It could be either or as you learn and grow you'll be able to read your plants alot easier.
That looks nice there sparki awesome xmas present huh? I know your running out of smoke so give us a pre-cure smoke report on that girl. Save the rest of the lot for the full cure though I say its sooooo worth the wait.
Damn its looking good in there. Sorry to hear about the misfortunes with the weather. I hope we can make it through till this harvest for a storm like that. Your future plans sound amazing I really wish I was able to just grow whereever I wanted in the house..... MJ that is I already have two...
I sure wish I COULD cool everything with one fan that would be great. I'm good on my setup as is now. No need to fix something that aint broke ay? I'll be shutting down after this current grow for a couple months through the summer so it'll give me time to think of new ideas and shit MAYBE a...
Wow that Moby Dick is gonna finish WAY before your TW's will. Pretty sweet though it'll give ya something to smoke on while you wait. Go get you some bamboo stakes they work really well for staking colas.
Two ozs. a plant is very feasable with that setup and I would expect no less than that. My last grow resulted in 70 grams just shy of 3 ozs I don't see a reason why you won't hit the 56 gram per plant mark.