dosent matter what order you buy it in aslong as you buy it all before you start your grow...... dont forget you are going to want a Ph tester and maybe a ppm Meter..dont forget about digital therm. and some smart pots.... mabye some osiclating fans... speed fan controller too
I see no drop in my Pg&e from switching to digital ballast from mag. so far for me thats not a factor...... the reason i like digi's is that they are light weight and im able to mount them on the ceiling upside down..... also i like that i can dimm the lights for early veg and late flower...
lol the last 7 shots came after he was already on his back on the the first 3 killed him point blank, what was the other 7 shots for?? He looked like a dude shooting his wifes lover or somthing.... It looked like a mafia movie where the dude stands over the dead body to continue...
thanks i put some girls in the room last night.....Soon as i put them in the control box stop working lol some of the hardware already failed so he moved some wires around and we lost an outlet for the time beiung but we got it back up and working...... Ill take some pics of the xj's flowering...
I like the idea of making it a work room for you garden can put supplies and equipment nutes.. dry area and cure to mix nutes etc etc...... Seems most people just work around there grow area and having a seperate place to work would probably keep your grow space cleaner........
Hes right active hydro is over you head......You should be doing eather soil or passive hydro in a soilless mix like coco or peat moss.... To go from no knowlage to active hydro its no wonder you had problems im suprised you made it 3 weeks into flower really....
trolling is posting messages for no other reason then to get a rise or responce out of another memeber......Its ok most of us have been guilty of it at one time or another i know i have...haha
Thanks man, and like you said i own all the equipment so the possibilities are endless this is jus the first robo room experiment..... Im only 30 so im sure i will come of with some straight nasty cool shit in the future.. When i first start growing i didnt now what ph ment so it just keeps...
ya as if anyone believes that... LOL you dont even believe it but you have come this far now you cant admit that i chackmated your ass......So you will say it to the grave..thats ok its not about making you belieive it its about making you look foolish and thats already done with the pics...
ya i photo shopped it my hand and a piece of card board then photo shop the hand writtin writing in red sharpy. lol do you even read your posts before you post them.... Is there anyone else here who thinks i some how magicaly photo shopped these pics in ten minutes lol.....
and i finished i said ive seen your journal i was nice enough to help you infact i was the only one who even took time to help you at first you didnt have any responces...Like i said yes i was tough on you and sorry if that made you butt hurt i really was just trying to help...
I know once i get this running i was thinking doing active hydro instead of passive but put i have no more availble amps so i couldnt run a chiller and id need that in summer it get 100 plus outside and remember this robo room is not attached to house so ambient temps play a big role
LOL thats what i soon i provide PROOF that This is my grow you then say you will put me on the INGNORE LIST......lololol thats exactly what i would expect from someone like yourself......... thanks for bowing out....
Like i said im going to post a pic of me holding up a piece of paper that says " axionjaxson is a NOOB" ill be standing in front of the robocrop room you noob.......that will prove you are wrong and i am right......thats actually pretty easy way to prove you are full of expect it...