I know exactly what you mean bro and I'm like that too..
But somehow I do think AN does have the best line out there.. And if my yield isn't significantly bigger then before or comparisons then this should be the last time I'll use AN.
I guess we'll see, and yea Lollipopping is a MUST do, The...
LMAO guys.. I got a good deal on the AN lineup so I went for it and I'd love to be the benchmark for all future Advanced Nutrient users..
"Just look at BlackRoses" they'll say.. :twisted: And witness absolute mind fuck in the form of Candy growing on tree's.
It's going to be bliss..
But for...
Yea I'll weigh in the products and expenses from each product.
I also like Ebb and Flood systems.. those work very nice too.
Here's what's going to help do the magic this run though..
Thanks man, can't wait to see how they're doing tonight..
Yup it is, and I'm subscribed ;)
It is :D
That sucks man, then you should indeed keep your journals away from here.
I wanted to go NFT this run, but decided it's too expensive of an investment right now, maybe in the future. And yea...
Doesn't work bro..
Thanks man, I'm not entirely sure either, but I'm expecting they'll grow enough to completely cover the screen.
They're Indica dominant.. Milky Way is 100% Indica and Blue Cheese is 80% I think, Fruit Spirit is White Widow x Blueberry which is also Indica dominant.
And Super...
Oh nice, I think I'm also going to do a perpetual grow next season.
I'll be checking ya on youtube no doubt! :P
And link me up when you have the new journal.
LMAO!!! almost.. but no it's the box that the filter came in :P
That thing was making a hell of a noise outside the window.. like a fucking hurricane..
Now it's practically silent.
Hmm that sucks to hear gfk, I haven't seen or heard about that website before, but I'll be checking it out tonight for sure..
I don't mind having this journal on both RIU and another site.
And put those Lemon Skunk in the ground man, summer is almost here.. ;)
Thanks rdr, yea I've been...
Hey guys, The lights turned on about an hour ago after 36h darkness..
The girls look tired to be honest.. they need a drink, But I'm going to give them in a couple of hours when they're fully awake and in the meantime adjust my feeding.
I'll take a picture of the nutrient lineup later tonight ;)...