I would have to say, that's def a huge decision to make. Would def take some big balls to do. But, if you can grow great product (def don't underestimate the quality of what is already there), and have good business sense.... I can say I know a man who did just what you're talking about. Moved...
Not to mention alot of voters were under the impression that even with legallization, "weed money goes to the terrorists" (WTF? are you kidding me? this point is not valid even when weed is ILLEGAL. does this mean our tax dollar is STILL going to al qaeda?). ps that is straight from a campaign...
I would say save some allowance and get a $15 bottle of gh flora nova bloom. gh flora nova GROW (its a two part series) just seems to stretch the lil ones too much, anyways.
I think theres a few people that are using just bloom (maybe some molasses or some other shit laying around the house...
Didn't see this had a second page, at first. anyways, let's just legalize it and create jobs for everyone..... oh wait, we forgot to vote in CA
"Make the most of the hemp, and sow it everywhere"
Butane extraction pulls about as much out of the plant matter as possible. It seems like if you already made the hash, it could be a waste of effort for a nice, but small, increase in potency (prob end up w alot less too). Might be extra pressure in the tube too? I'm def not saying "don't try...
Hey man. Def agree w obamasmokes. Attitude might not be as cheap on delivery as some people like. But for stealthiness, quickness, and promised delivery that I have yet to see fail (not to mention decent selection), it's worth it imo.
Well, I don't have an answer for you. But out of curiosity, I would like to know the answer. One question..... 0.5g per watt "per 30 days". I'm a little confused here. Do you mean 30 days after harvest (as in well dried and cured), or are you suggesting that figure is possible after 30 days of...
Hi cannabis man. Apologies for jumping on your thread uninvited (I'm a newb... we have to start somewhere right?) Anyways... KEEP POSTING! I have rock lock on its way from the 'tude (hope to have as good of luck w them as everyone else seems to), and I def want to see how this thing goes for ya...