exactly. The economy is a mess because fools like you though rich people were gonna pass the wealth along.
The only thing more foolish is to repeat those boneheaded mistakes. Hey Newatit, good to see you change up from racial slurs to accusations of child molesting. Stay classy burger boy
Truly the words of a stupid lost soul. Glad you like working for others.
Grow a set of balls and work for yourself. Only a fool allows someone else to profit more from their work than they do.
Bla bla bla loudmouth....still no pics
You really wanna argue about fucking bud rot indoors? Only a NON-GROWING fool would blame a seed for a shitty grow environment. In close to 30 fucking years of growing indoors I have NEVER had budrot indoors, nor has any grower I know.
You'd be dangerous...
You doubt that i put more $ into
our econonomy? I didnt realize Taco Bell paid so well.
And yes, you are a racist homophobic piece of redneck shit. Your posts here are proof, i just pointed it out.
Dont wanna be called a racist? Dont say ignorant racist shit. Otherwise wear the tag that...
If you listen to facts you realize the Ryan budget actually INCREASES the federal deficit.
Its a shell game that screws whats left of the middle class and widens the rich-poor gap.
The whole "social engineering" thing isnt mine. It came from the ultra Liberal Newt Gingrich. Its nothing...
Get ready GOP here comes the class warfare attacks...Axelrod is licking his chops. Im still stunned by the selection, utterly foolish of Mitt.
The catch is that seniors hate his plan too. Remember him getting killed in those Town Hall meetings he had when he rolled out that piece of social engineering disguised as a budget? YouTube "Paul Ryan town hall", plenty of evidence on how senior feel about him. I believe current seniors...
I'm stunned, I can not believe he picked Ryan.
On a purely strategic level it really makes no sense. Romneys biggest problem is that 2/3 of voters think he only cares about the rich. This selection really reinforces that feeling people have about Mitt.
I understand the GOP base is gonna love...
Hes gonna feel for him like he probably did Palin.
Until election day he will love all his extremism, after that he will push him aside because the realization that he cost the election that shoulda been a cakewalk
Absolute dream VP nominee if you're the Dems, the only move that would be more...
Yeah, Ryans really gonna help in Florida, with retired people and the working class.
Get ready for lots of these moments Mitt. You now own his budget
Heh, lay off the bath salts.
Romney picked the worst guy out of the bunch. Gonna be fun seeing them campaign in Florida, have fun defending Ryans budget. The Monopoly guy picked the one person that can solidify the Dems argument that he only cares about the rich. Romney polled at 64% thinking...