Pretty much identical to mine. I fucked up and forgot to put MJD on it. Of course I ended up with him to boot. Weird, my team is 80% identical in 3 out of the 4 leagues I'm in, this one is way different and my weakest team. Think I'll be shopping RB until I see MJD put up some numbers.
Pointing out that you're a racist is not "building myself up."
Yep I have black friends, white friends, yellow friends, brown friends, gay friends, liberal friends, conservative friends....gotta ask, why do you assume I'm white?
One of two things happened to beenthere:
1. His testicles finally dropped and with that rush of hormones he said what he really thinks. Usually his racism
is under the surface.
2. He slipped and let his true feelings appear without the veil he always uses to hide behind.
Either way, like I've...
Yep your avatar says it all.
Reagan didn't inherit quite the financial mess that Obama did.
Reagan didn't inherit 2 unfunded wars
Reagan didn't have other side of the aisle block his every move
Reagan was never demonized by the other side like Obama has been
So yeah it really does say it all...
The speakers list released this morning by the Democratic National Committee includes*U.S. Rep.*Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin; Former assistant secretary, U.S. Department of Veterans AffairsTammy Duckworth; Sandra Fluke, Georgetown University Student; Denise Juneau, State Superintendent of Public...
A Fox commentator called it "workmanlike," and I agree.
It wasn't great, he offered no grand solution or any real specific policy. Great speeches aren't overshadowed by the undercard. His was.
You also have a choice concerning our government and its taxes.....You are free to leave the country and renounce your citiczenship whenever you want.
Tell you what, I'll split the cost of your airfare with ya.
I have no idea what or who DA is, I assume you're alluding to my post.
If you read through my postings here you'll see I feel that way about ALL organized religion, not just Mormonism. I should have been clearer I suppose
He did a decent job, not spectacular but not a fail.
He played to the base, his speech isnt gonna sway moderates. At the end of the speech it pretty much reminded me of a classic Cold War style speech.
Tax cuts for "job creators"
Banning abortion
Poor people are lazy
Same old song and...
Exactly what leadership role did Obama serve in his church?
You're willing to hold Obama as a congregation member responsible for the words of a reverend, and not willing to hold a church leader responsible for his churches actions/policies?
How shocking
Kind of apples/oranges.
Obamas church made no policies or statements. The reverend did and was renounced by Obama. I think he actually left that particular church.
In Mitts case the offender is the actual church itself, of which Mitt was a leader. Big difference