The plants are looking beautiful man is that just one under the horizontal scrog or is that two, either way they are all looking great, as far as the 3 blade leaves go i believe that is normal from what i have heard any number of leaves is normal I've even heard of plants that have up to 13...
Yeah i might have fucked up by packing the pots to tightly but i really wanted to be able to get an accurate PH reading and i figured that the soil would loosen up as i watered it, the last time i transplanted i guess i must have packed the pots way to loose because the water wouldn't stay in...
I got my air pots off eBay i paid roughly $80 for a set of 6 i got 2 1.4, 2 2.4, 2 4.5 price included s+h, as far as the ph goes as i said if i could have gotten a reading before i would have tested i think now that i have the soil packed so tight i can get a more accurate reading. As far as the...
Yeah the air pots are supposed to help a lot when it comes to getting stacked root systems, not only does the soil have plenty of oxygen but the roots are air pruned when they get to the out side edge of the planters, its supposed to dramatically increase root density i like them quite a bit...
There are holes in the bottom but there are holes all around the sides so half the water runs straight threw the soil and doesn't get its ph changed by the soil so the PH readings are inaccurate.
I am growing both plants in vic's super soil the recipe is on the first page in the first post its a pre mixed soil so all the ferts are already mixed into the soil so pretty much all i have been feeding them is water molasses and some Epsom salts to correct what i believed to be a mag def, Last...
The white Russian seems to be having some problems of its own i don't see any signs of the yellowing from the old deficiency but i do see signs of something else, i believe it could be the burn from foliar feeding 2 weeks ago i know its been a while since that happened but the leaves have not...
Man this shit is making me nauseous, I'm trying to quit smoking and this stress isn't helping.
Alright so i just went in and snapped a few photos, the blue cheese is drooping quite a bit, it looks like it might have a bit of nutrient burn because some of the leaf tips are burned and the...
Yeah i didn't think they were correct however it has been about 2 weeks since i started trying to fix this with Epsom salts and while some of the symptoms have gotten better, it looks like the yellowing is coming back against the blue cheese in full force, and the white Russian has something...
Eh I'm not beating my self up lol, im just saying im not as confident now because a lot of people who seem to know what they are talking about are telling me I'm going to have problems because of the soil lol.
Yeah that's one of my major concerns as well you don't have to worry about it if you exhaust the air to the out side though, like i just went and found this ozone generator and it claims it can do 2000 cubic feet, my house is probably less than 500...
Yeah i had previously thought about throwing an ozone generator up in the attic but there were just so many things i didn't know about using them, i didn't want my nosy ass old neighbor to get a whiff of it and think we were cooking meth or something and i didn't want to use to much and have it...
Yeah that's really the only thing i can think of a side from lack of duct tape on the seems but i dunno, i would really rather not order another filter just because it could be the problem i honestly don't know how bad the issue is like i said i cant just poke my head up there and see how bad it...
No my fan is at the end of my exhaust set up and my filter is at the beginning, here is a video where you can see the set up.
The RH hasn't gotten above 50% and the temps are in the mid 70s, i don't think the fan is running to slow the room is pretty small 5x2x8 and its a 450 something cfm fan, as i said i have negative air pressure the smell isn't coming from the room where the closet is located it is coming from the...