yes I do understand the time it takes my problem is waiting all that time and not getting anything for it, with the HC approval time and then the grow time thats a long time with no meds I have all ready sold every thing I could to keep me going this long there is nothing left to sell I am going...
I had no control on how it was shipped they claimed to have done this for 10 years it was probably all a lie. I am just worried about wasting another 6 months and getting nothing again and the so called compassion clubs want five dollars more a gram than the illegal guy in the city. as I am on a...
well it was the growers fault it got intercepted. had the meds in fold lock baggies so it stunk up the whole post office and put her partners name as the sender so when it was intercepted the paper work was not right. and this is my fault and this was on the first shipment to me I was told they...
almost 80 people looked at this thread but no replies if I was 20 or more grams a day I bet it would be a different story. I wasted 6 months on the last grower I got from here I guess this is why they want to change the system we as a group are forcing the change so sad. oh well there is all the...
had a grower in Ontario who vanished after canada post intercepted shipment so now need a new grower but do not want to use canada post any more I would like to pick it up myself once a month so need someone in Alberta I live close to Camrose and Stettler but am willing to travel. I am a 3 gram...
I live close to edmonton and had a grower in ontario who has vannished looking for a new grower in alberta I am lic. for 3 grams a day and like the kush strains as they seem to do the best for my pain but am willing to try others if they are good for pain. need someone soon as I have been left...
last post he can look for more but if you can't supply the ones you have now he claims he will have to buy from a few of his friends to be able to fill my script how can you fill bigger scripts. this is all I have to say and will not be returning to this site I know what I can grow in 4 months...
i have never got any thing from him if you can't get 9 3/4 oz in 4 months off 15 plants and your out there looking for some big script patients maybe you should do some thing else. and he is the one who set the price. and as for canada post they will not deal with the receiver only the sender. I...
both canada post ivestigaters and the rcmp told me it is "NOT" legal to send through canada post but canada post sends a letter with your lic. on how they want it shipped
my growers partner sent it with his name as the sender instead of my growers name so when it got intercepted the paer work did not match I guess. but that is just what he said canada post and the rcmp won't tell me any thing they say I don't matter only the sender. and now he will not respond...
I was at $1.00 a gram and being on a fixed disability pension a 10 fold jump in price I just can't do or my kids do not eat. and with 3 kids in the house I can't grow my own here no extra room and child services take a very dim view of it. there are growers out there who provide free meds as...
with morphine you are a herion addict you can't eat it attacks your organs and I all ready have heart problems. vaporizing and eating pot has none of those problems and if you ever had to watch some one on full time morphine you would not call it quality of life. sleep 18 hours a day and be a...
well the shipment was held by Canada post because of what my grower did. Canada post will not even talk to me the rcmp have been here but I will not be getting my meds now my grower will not respond back to me what happened is it was sent by my growers partner so once siezed by the post office...
canada post has now said they expect to have it resolved by the middle of June. i blew up at their investigator so the rcmp just left my house nice guy he suggest sending in a couple of smaller amounts then if one gets stopped the others might get through. will keep up the post till it gets...
I am not sure yet how my DG packaged it this was the first shipment from him canada post said they are going to expedite it to me right away so we will see how that goes but my DG will not use them any more. he has shipped through canada post many times in the past with no problems but is going...
yes it did happen both myself and the sender are legit. we will get right on it canada post knows this is my meds we had to track down the package they had it open for 5 days and never got ahold of us they just said there was a problem but did not know what it was. the tracking showed it still...
I just got my lic. signed for 3 drams a day need to find a grower as I am on disability and trying to raise 3 young boys I do not have the money to get my meds. I am in Alberta and my doctor was supposed to find me a DG but after 6 weeks have not had any luck if you could help email me at...