I actually really like the northern lights. Had a very fruity/tropical smell to it. Very very frosty as well with rock hard buds. Be careful of mold tho. That was the only strain I ever had problems with as far as mold. That may have been my fault tho. Humidity wise or sumthin. Cuz only 1clone...
heres a few shots of a nice lil blue dream that accidently got cut off... ok ok.. it wasnt an accident. lol. i cut it off on purpose. =) she'll be ready anyday now. =) soo i tried to chop a lil bud to hold me over. =) startin to get a light blue/purple hue to her now on the underside of sum...
i never had anxiety wen i smoked for the longest time... then about 5 or 6 years ago... i started gettin anxierty/pani attacks really bad.. only wen i smoked.. like u said.. certain strains would affect it more than others.. i had to quite for a while.... not.. i just make sure not to overdo...
thoe nugs look as bomb as ever!! i got 5 dog seeds. bout to germ them. see if i can land myself a nice keeper. =) ill be sure to post pics up here once they get bigger. =)
im sure it would help strengthen the stalk.. almost like super cropping (bending the stems).. im sure it would heal itself up and make the stem thicker. =) i deff wanna see sum pics unlucky. if u do decide to do it. =)
i have never seen or heard of sum1 doing this to their plants before... lol. i wouldnt mind seein a test done tho. looks interesting.. although the stake used in the youtube video looked a lil big.. idk if i'd use sumthin that big. lol. but maybe sumthing smaller. like a thick nail.. small...
awesome man. theyre gonna explode with growth!! cant wait to see them!! funny my power went out today too. for about 5 or 10 mins. think it mighta been a power outtage tho. all the branches look nice and solid too. =) gonna need to be strong to support the big nugs that baby's gonna produce!!
heyy HC. hope all is well. im sure your busy.. between your harvest/gardening and regular work. just stoppin by to see how ya doin? RIU has been dead lately. =/ also.. wanted to ask ya wen u planned on startin those P10 x grape apollos? veg box is gettin empty... =) might be time to start sum...
yeaa i strated flushin too early on my BD... i was plannin on it being ready by week 8.. it looked on track by week 6ish.. soo i started flushing.. then at the begining of week 7.. they started pushin out a lil more new growth. and started foxtailing... soo i had to give it a quick shot of...
lol. glad to have ya along miyagi. my threads been kinda dead lately... idk why. lol. maybe wen i shop the blue dream.. it will get some more traffic. =)
damn huh... 4 bills!? should be able to get urself a nice ass camera. i only paid 100 bucks for mine. it takes decent pics. ive heard great things bout the Nikon coolpix series of camera. heres one around $400...
lol. yeaa man u should deff get a nice camera.. or both of you guys should go 1/2 and 1/2 on a nice one.. even just a decent one for like $100.. and create a thread and post pics of each grow... set up a poll asking which grow people like better. and see how it goes. =)
id love to see the...
awesome pics man. they all look sooo frosty! hate wen ppl rip on nirvana.. and say they dont have good/strong genetics. ive grown quite a few of their strains. and have been blown away everytime. =)
vedyy niiiiiceee vedyyy niiiiceee. =) keep it up man. leaves look great. everything looks soo healthy. looks really good for only 12 days too man. things are comin along nicely.
lol. i was wondering the same thing. lol. i was like hell no my pics arent from google... and shit.. if they are. google stole them from MEEE! lol. ive had a few ppl do that over at the Purplest Bud thread.. (this threads sister i guess u could say) had sum1 post a pic of a plant with pink...