Hey man when they hit 15inches put them into flowering. They will get to 4feet almost by the time they are finished and even at 3.5 feet you will still get decent amount of clones off them. I flowered mine at 18inches and mine grew to 4 feet.
hey man thanks for the response to my lsd plant. you know that bud pic that is only a small bud on my plant I have some really nice 6 to 10inch cloas on her. and as for the overwatering I only water 3 to 4 days depending how dry the soil is. And I have flushed and stopped fertilizing as this is...
hey man can i suggest a good soil as well. if you can get it from where you are from it works awesome. Its called promix ultra and its organic and natural and you dont have to pay an arm and a leg for it and it works awesome.
hey man my time scedule was 20/4 in veg and 12/12 in flowering. the reason i did 20/4 in veg was because it shows sex abit sooner and when you put it into flowering it shows less stress as well.
Hey man u should be fine just dont water her until the top of the soil is almost dry not completly dry because it will dry the root out at such a young age. Is it bagseed sometimes the root will sprout but the leaves wont develope it happens alot with bag seed but give it another 3 days if you...
Ya man clipping the fan leaves does increase buddage and bud size. Only clip the fan leaves that are the size of your hand though "big ones". The fan leaves have to much energy in there leaves and stop the buds in flowering from getting alot of energy so yes cut the huge fan leaves. You can also...
Hey man get thoughs out of the light they will pop quicker. Put them in a dark place like a linen closet and put a plate over the tops of the cups. They will pop just be patient sometimes seeds take longer then others. They should pop with in the next 2 days.
Hey man it is possible to use a 400watt MH in a HPS light. You will just need to buy a conviersion bulb. so If you do get that 600watt HPS you want to get just buy a conversion bulb and you are set.
hey cinderellaman I am feeding her an all organic fertilizer 15-30-15 and yes I am feeding her 1 to 2 times a week sometimes not a all during the week. I want as little as possible water wieght and so far I have seen great results so on this grow with a very little water feedings. She is...
Cannimed i am trying my own technique rightnow I am keeping the soil fairly dry rightnow. instead of watering it every 2, 3, or 4 days I am watering I have been watering once maybe 2 a week if that during flowering. I am trying to get it so my buds are not as damp at harvest. That way I have...
hey man you only yielded 3oz off of 15plants. I would have expected you to yield at least 15grams off of each plant even with a shitty grow condition. My brother inlaw grew 3 of these and yielded 2.5ounces dry off of 3 of them in shitty conditions. Thats fucked up dude. Try barneys farm Lsd...
Dr. Dankthumb
how tall is your plant? what is your light wattage? If I were you I would put them in flowering now if you light is not much bigger then 400watt. Your plants will most likely finish at 3.5 feet tall if they are 15inches tall rightnow and you dont want them no more then 3.5feet...
Hi guys this is my first grow. my strain is barneys farm LSD. How does she look? she is alost 5 weeks into flowering. does she still have lots of fattening up to do? I think she looks really nice Lots of top colas from supercropping It was my first time so I thought hey fuck it I would rather...
I just did a ph test today and i found out my phosphorus was at 7.0 which is normal and my nitrogen was at 5.7 and my potassium was at 5.7. So I went out and got a fert that is lower in P and higher in N and K but I am only going to use this for a couple of days so I can get the other 2 numbers...
Hi everyone my plant is suffering from a N and K deficeny. No P deficency and how I know this is because I bought a soil test kit because i was wondering why my plants leaves were getting brown on leaf claws and brownish orngish rust spots and my leaves are also not very dark at the same time. I...