Here's a little update on my 4x8 geoplanter. It's been 9 days since I've had girls in the bed... they seem to like it. Here's a garlic breath number 1 and behind it is a DNA lemon skunk. I made my own mix with @Rasta Roy help. I'm using local fish compost with peat oyster shell flour and some...
I have 18 in a 4x8 bed. This is my first run with organics but something plus good watering techniques will get you good results. I'm using sea soil as my input. It's pine fines and fish compost. Peat/compost/aeration. You could try your old promix with a bit if compost and bio live. Ask...
Put two plants in your big pot. Grab a bag of compost put it in your back pack. Next day go and grab a small bag of perlite then use your old promix. Rasta Roy told me about biolive and mix that in so I did. Only place I know in Canada is then you are set for a long time. Organics...
I just started my own mix... I would suggest doing the same thing. You probably live in a bigger city then me and can make it happen easier. If you have that small of a tent why don't you just put 1 pot in there as big as it can fit