OK firstly: Why are you planning on AUTOS when you're growing INDOORS? You nerf your yeild and quality by having some ruderalis genetics when you can grow a photoperiod strain in perfect conditions indoors... Secondly: You can't LST/TOP/FIM autos like you can photoperiod strains, this reduces...
I'd be happy with that coverage, no wasted space... Maybe you could lollypop them a little to up the yeild if it does get very cramped, but looking good man gratz!
OP: get a magnetic ballast. Digital ones can get you busted. Also Miricle Grow is not an ideal fertiliser. It can work yeah but it's not great. Just like bagseed, its probably going to be lowgrade and unknown photoperiod.
You do realise that CFL stands for Compact Florescent... You wont be able to grow shit with 1 bulb... you need at least 150w to get anything worthwhile, and even then worthwhile is highly subjective.
Damn... harvest all year round... I'm not jealous... you bastard. :X EDIT: just saw your cannabis laws on wikipedia.. ouch, 2 words to describe them: FUCK THAT!
If you're in the UK pickandmixseeds is the best place to shop! However it sounds like you fucked up the germination if 6 viable seeds died... check your methods!