he very well could win look what happened in Alberta. overwhelmingly ndp after over 40 years of cons. that was a mistake that Alberta learned real fast so what now? cons are crooks the ndp could not organize a 2 man rush on a 3 hole shitter so whats left they just might put Trudeau in.
no they do not want the Yukon to vote they made it a 600 mile drive for them to get to their polling station elections Canada said it was a mistake and will try to get new voter registrations out to them but said there might not be enough time to do that
back in the 70's I did to many hot knives of good old Montreal black hash blacked out and fell forward breaking my nose on the top of the stove luckily I did not do the nose plant on the hot element or I would now have a target scared onto my face permanently. ah the good old days.
shouldn't it come under C51 telling people to go out and have fun instead of voting he must think that the Libs are getting to the young voters so does not want them to vote.
so if Harper gets back in we can move to Bangladesh for a couple of years then come back to Canada as a refugee then I would get three times more money than canada pension disability pays me hell they might even give me a 7/11 or at least a taxi. a refugee gets $2500 a month plus free benefits...
one oz baked into a double batch of betty crocker brownies will knock any ones socks off. I am in pain 24 hours a day I did 3 brownies between lunch and supper time on Saturday and went pain free till late sunday night did not get any thing done but man pain free I will take that any day first...
I was just visiting there as that is where my step brothers are from. went for a week stayed 6 weeks. one of them still lives there his name is earl, won't mention last name on a open forum he does a lot of singing and playing guitar. my step father was a cop there in the early sixties. it is a...
glad you made out here. as I said before I am only 1/2 hour away if you ever want to get together and burn a few or a beer and brownies. spent some time in N,S. back in the seventies stayed in Oxford had a blast.
in my small town Alberta our candidates are not even coming here to speak until the 15th giving us 4 days to make up our mind there are no signs up any where around here had to do research just to find out who is running but we do have NDP-GREEN-LIBERALS and the Cons now to find out what STD is...
that is why Harper broke the law and brought in a Aussie in to run his campaign which according to the elections act you can not have any one but a Canadian citizen do shit in a canadian election. if he gets back in I will consider moving to Syria all their rif raf will be here and they have...
I renewed mine 3 months early to make sure I got in and told other patients on here to do the same also told every one not to give up their pink slips. some were left out because they gave up that being said some were left out because they got screwed by HC. never roll over for the govt. they...
I do not buy from any of them will never buy from any of them and would not even try any of their crap even if it was offered for free. I am one of the lucky one's and have a great DG and if for some reason that goes away I will go back to the black market at least the crook down the street...